Chapter 10

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"Well this is a surprise," Magnus mutters.

Alec looks over at his shoulder. He's standing up and letting Magnus examine his wings. "What? What is it?" He asks, his brows furrowing in confusion and nervousness.

"The feathers have begun to appear."

"And...?" Alec doesn't understand why this is such a big deal.

Magnus chuckles softly. "Usually, Shadowhunters' wings range between certain colors depending on the person. White, black and brown are most common. But it seems that you have áurea alas. Golden wings." The warlock can't help but reach over and run his hand over the newly grown feathers.

Alec shudders when Magnus' hand touches his wings and he instinctively steps away.

"Sorry.." Magnus mumbles. He had gotten too caught up in the sight that he forgot he shouldn't touch the wings.

"So you're planning on mating Lydia Branwell?" Magnus asks, finally bringing the subject up the next day.

Alec nods. "Yeah. Then in a year or two we'll probably get married. It's what the Clave wants. And it'll help both mine and Lydia's families. So I'm doing it."

The warlock looks at Alec for a moment, a sad look on his face before he, too, nods.

"Do you think we can go out somewhere?" Alec questions, changing the subject. "Just— I've been cooped up here so long, I kind of want to try stretching my wings without worrying about knocking over a three hundred year vase."

"Want to take a break from your torture?" Magnus asks jokingly.

Alec throws a pillow at Magnus' head.

Magnus, however being as smooth as he is, dodges. The warlock grins, a devilish spark appearing in his eyes. He swishes his hand and about eight pillows appear in the air. Magnus looks dead straight at Alec and suddenly the Shadowhunt is being ambushed by pillows. Alec puts his arms above his head as protection from the oncoming wave of pillows.

"I surrender!" Alec calls once the pillows stop flying at him, all the pillows controlled by Magnus' magic so they didn't hurt Alec when they collided with the Shadowhunter.

Magnus grins, the pillows instantly all falling to the ground.

"But yes, Alexander. We can take a break from the torturous fate you've been forced to have," says Magnus. "I actually have the perfect place."

Waving his hand again, Magnus creates a portal. "Right this way."

Alec goes over to the portal. He looks hesitantly over at Magnus, who is waiting for him to go first. Alec huffs and steps through the portal. When he steps out of the other side, he's standing on a grassy field, that cut off at a cliff. A few seconds later, Magnus steps out after him, the portal closing afterwards.

"Just in time to see the sunset, good good," Magnus says, clapping his hands together.

After the edge of the cliff, there's water. Above the water, the late day sun is shining and slowly inching toward the horizon.

"Where are we?"

"Isle of Skye, Scotland," Magnus answers simply. "Don't worry, no one comes around here. Feel free to stretch your wings. Or just enjoy the sunset."

Alec looks at Magnus, amazed. The Shadowhunter is still for a few seconds, unsure of what to do. Finally, he decides to just go for it.

He steps back from Magnus, and let's his now twenty-two feet long wings stretch out behind him. He can't believe how good it feels to finally be able to allow his wings to fully extend. Alec's wings stretch out. More golden feathers having appeared since Magnus first pointed them out, the sunlight hits the bunch of feathers and makes them shine beautifully. 

It was a couple of days ago when Magnus first created a wearable shirt for Alec, with two holes in the back that were large enough for the bases of Alec's wings. Now, Alec has a few more. One of which he is currently wearing; a bright blue t-shirt with tiny little black paw prints decorated on it. It's not exactly Alec's style, but who is he to complain when Magnus is going through all this work? 

Magnus is still standing, his eyes unblinking a he stares at Alec and his wings. What a beautiful sight. The warlock blinks and brings himself back to reality. A reality where in a few days, he'll have lost his chance to be with Alec. Lydia and Alec were planning to have a mating celebration, a party where everyone (Shadowhunters only— which Magnus is especially pissed about because who is the one taking care of Alec and his new wings??) gets to watch as the pair officiate their bond as mates. 

Alec, almost as if reading Magnus' mind, starts speaking. "Hey, I want you to be there for Lydia and I's mating ceremony. The others won't like it but it's my party, not theirs. Plus, I want you to be there. I mean, you've been helping me these past two weeks. I should at least try to thank you for it all." 

"Thank you, Alexander. I'll consider it. You know how a warlock's life always is: busy and unpredictable," responds Magnus, giving a fake happy tone.

Sure, he wants to be there and is pretty damn upset that had Alec not invited him, he wouldn't have been able to go. But at the same time, does Magnus really want to watch Alec tie himself to a woman he doesn't even know that well for the rest of his life? And that's even without the jealous of seeing a person other than himself being mated to Alec.

Alec smiles as Magnus agrees. The Shadowhunter completely unaware of the conflict going on in Magnus' head. Alec brings his wings back to their resting spot just behind him. "Sit with me?" Alec asks, walking over to ledge and sitting down, just a couple of inches away from the cliff. 

Magnus obliges and walks over to his friend, sitting down beside Alec. The warlock looks out at the sun, which has begun to set, coloring the sky a light pink and the clouds a soft orange.  

The pair sit silently, side by side, watching the sun set together. The world around them is quiet. It's peaceful. 

Magnus wishes this moment could last forever. But he knows (entirely from experience) that all good things eventually come to an end. 

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