Chapter 6

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The next morning, Magnus wakes up feeling a soft, comforting blanket over him. His head hurts a bit from last night, though it's nothing some water and maybe a spell or two can't fix. The blanket, Magnus is soon to realize isn't actually a blanket. Rather, it's a soul covering him in a protective layer. The warlock can't hold back the small smile that forms on his lips. The soul is Alec's, and the Shadowhunter has no idea he's even doing it. Magnus appreciates it. 

Shifting in his bed, Magnus turns so he can face the said Shadowhunter. Alec is still asleep. It's early in the morning still. 

For a second or two, Magnus lets himself take in the sight of Alec's soul. Although, not long enough for it to be considered creepy. Alec's soul is just as beautiful as the day Magnus first saw the Shadowhunter. 

Souls, similar to auras, reflect one's emotions and occasionally one's pain. In contrast to auras, though, souls resemble a  creatures life essence. Souls can be used to describe a person or living creature, but they also are the person or living creature. A life form in its purest state. Magnus is lucky enough to have figured out a way to see souls. Okay, lucky is one word for it. With the ability to see souls, comes the ability to see how good a person can be and how terrible a person can be. It's rare, but there have been occasions when Magnus has seen living beings with such a dark soul, that they shouldn't even be allowed to be able to hold that much darkness.

Valentine, for example. When Magnus first met the Shadowhunter, is soul was light a pure. It had some darkness to it, but not enough that it was concerning. Magnus watched as the years went by and his soul darkened, his life force turned to what some would call pure evil. 

Magnus blinks to himself. Deciding that he won't be able to fall back asleep, Magnus gets up out of his bed. He's careful not to wake the sleeping Alec as he leaves. Knowing that he won't be able to keep an eye Alec if he's busy doing things, Magnus casts a spell that allows his hearing to be enhanced. If Alec starts thrashing around, Magnus will hear it. 

The warlock makes himself breakfast, cooking up a batch of pancakes and eating half of them himself while leaving half for Alec when he wakes up. Magnus goes on with his day, humming to himself as he works on the potion for Mil and a few other requests he had gotten. He would peak in on Alec every half an hour or so, just to make sure he's alright and, well, alive. 

A few hours pass and Alec still hasn't waken up yet. Magnus suspects Alec is starting to enter the stage on his wing growth where he sleeps through at least half of the stuff that happens as his wings grow more. And Magnus is cool with that. Misses the company a bit, but it's not like he'd say that to Alec's face. 

Magnus is in the middle of brewing one of the other potions he had been asked to make when he gets a text message from Clary Fray. 

Clary Fray [10:49 AM]: Hey, Magnus. Izzy, Jace and I are going to be stopping by soon. We've just gotten news of different attacks and... Well, we'll explain it when we arrive. 

Magnus Bane: (typing...) 

Magnus Bane [10:51 AM]: Alrighty. Alec is still asleep so try to be quiet when you come in.

With a soft sigh, Magnus puts his phone down. He turns his attention back to his potion. The potion doesn't take long to finish brewing. When it's done, Magnus mutters a quick spell under his breath that will complete the potion and make it so the liquid isn't just a combination of weird ingredients and is instead actually magical. 

Just a few minutes after Magnus finishes with the potion, the front door opens and in walks the trio of Shadowhunters. Magnus goes to meet them, using his usual smug comment about being their favorite since they are constantly visiting. 

Magnus leads the trio into the living room and is about to ask them why they needed to stop by, when he spots Alec, leaning against the doorframe and watching them. 

"Alexander, good. You're awake just in time to see your friends. I would've woken you but you just looked too damn adorable, and Ms Clary claims this is formal business." Magnus acts like what happened last night wasn't actually real. He had put his facade back on, once again placing his walls up that kept anyone and everyone out from knowing his true emotions. 

Alec gives a small shrug. "It's fine," is all he says before he walks over and sits down on the couch next to Jace. He has no context on what this visit is about, but he's going to be involved in the conversation and not left out. 

Clary speaks up next. "So, Magnus. We aren't sure if you've heard but there have been attacks recently. More so than usual. All of which are targeting Downworlder. Then, last night, Luke's pack was hit. Two dead, seven injured. We think it's the Circle, trying to target and weaken Downworlder. And with Luke's pack getting targeted recently, we think that you may also be on the hit list." 

Magnus keeps his facial expression clear of any emotion. "I thank you for your and your Institute's concern," says Magnus, "but I know how to handle myself. I'm quite capable of fending off a Circle member or two." 

"That's the thing," Isabelle says, "there weren't just one or two Circle members there. Valentine had a whole group attack Luke's pack. And with Alec staying here for now—" 

The warlock nods, understanding it now. "You aren't trying to warn me. You're trying to make sure Alec Lightwood doesn't get killed in an attack that's aimed for a Downworlder." 

The lack of denying responses from the trio of Shadowhunters is enough to give Magnus an answer. 

"Well, you don't have to worry. Alec knows how to keep himself alive. Even if his wings get in the way, I'm here as well. I promise to make it my number one priority to keep Alexander safe if a gang of Circle members successfully find this place and attack." Magnus' voice has a hint of harshness in it. 

Jace, Clary and Izzy all exchange looks. 

"If that's all, I will kindly ask you lot to get the hell out of my apartment before another Shadowhunter working for the Circle tracks you down and sees that you led them straight to where Alec and I are staying." 

As soon as the trio of Shadowhunters are out there door, Magnus sighs, clearly agitated. 

"I'm sorry." 

Magnus looks back over in Alec's direction, just to make sure he had heard that correctly. It was in fact Alec who had apologized, his voice quiet as he spoke. 

"For what?" Magnus asks, raising an eyebrow as he genuinely has no idea what the Shadowhunter is apologizing for. 

Alec continues, "as a Shadowhunter, we serve the purpose of keeping the human race safe. Jace, Izzy, the Clave. They don't always remember that Downworlders are part human too. The way they talked to you just now. Like they didn't even care about your safety, when they're the ones who are supposed to ensure it." 

Magnus huffs a small laugh. "I think someone hasn't completely woken up yet. And you don't have to apologize, Alexander. For one, you didn't do it. And for two, it's common for people to try to protect those of their own kind over those who aren't. It's quite alright. You grow used to it..." 

The warlock looks over at Alec after a minute. "You want pancakes?" 

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