Chapter 8

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Alec wakes up the next morning feeling just blah. Not good, but not exactly bad either. Just somewhere dead in the middle. The bones of his to-be wings have grown another inch or two. They're now getting close to being 12 inches long if Alec stretches them out. It's weird to be able to control his wings and their movements. As of now, he can only extend and reduce the length of his wingspan. Magnus tells him that he'll be able to do way more once the wings are fully grown. The warlock also suspects that his wings will have roughly a 23 feet wingspan. The bones will be growing to about a 20 feet span, and the feathers will round the wingspan up with an extra 18 inches on each side.

After spending a few minutes waking up, Alec gets himself ready for the day. As he has learned to do, he ignores putting on a shirt. He had been promised mended shirts that allow his wings to be free while also covering his top half, but those haven't been made yet. He gets up, leaving the guest bedroom that had progressively become more his than not.

The first thing Alec notices that is out of the ordinary is the lack of breakfast smells coming in from the kitchen. Despite thinking it's likely nothing, Alec goes to see if Magnus was just making some breakfast that lacked a familiar smell. However, when Alec enters the apartment's kitchen, he sees no Magnus. Okay, that's weird. Alec looks around the apartment to see if Magnus is awake and only busy doing warlock-y stuff. No sign of Magnus.

And then Alec finds himself back in front of the door leading to Magnus' bedroom. Alec sighs. He's already done it before, might as well do it again. Taking a breath, Alec knocks thrice on the door. No reply. Slightly concerning. Alec inches the door open, ready to freeze if Magnus is changing or something inside and yells at him to not come in. There's nothing of the sort when Alec peaks inside, though.


The warlock is asleep. Or, at least, his eyes are closed. But he looks a bit too pale to be suffering a hangover. Entirely unsure of what to do, Alec pauses. He could wake the sleeping warlock who is probably suffering from a bad hangover, or he could wait a bit more and let Magnus wake up by himself.

Alec thinks to himself, making a note to decide quickly because if Magnus wakes up now and sees Alec standing at the foot of his bed, things could get awkward. Finally, Alec makes the choice to make a hangover "cure" and then wake up the warlock once he's done. So if Magnus gets pissed at Alec for waking him up, then Alec can just give him the hangover cure.

To clarify, the hangover cure isn't the same as Magnus magic-ing up a potion. It's just a simple recipe that Isabelle had taught him the first time he had a really bad hangover.

Alec goes back into the kitchen before hesitating. He has no idea where any of Magnus' food supplies are. Oh well. As long as he doesn't use up much, puts it back EXACTLY where he put it and doesn't mess anything up, he should be good.

The Shadowhunter begins his hunt for the correct ingredients. With the pace he works, Magnus may as well just wake up before he's even done. Alec works incredibly slowly. Partially due to the fact that he isn't used to working in Magnus' kitchen.

After what would be considered a concerning amount of time, Alec finishes with his hangover cure. He pours the steaming, hot tea-like liquid into a cup. Alec takes the hangover cure and walks back over to Magnus' room. Like before, he knocks on the door before pushing it open.

Magnus is still sleeping. The good news is he doesn't look worse than when Alec had left him to make the hangover cure. The bad news is he doesn't look any better.

Carefully, the Shadowhunter walks over to Magnus' bedside. He pauses. 'Might as well go for it,' he thinks. Alec puts the cup on the bedside table and gently reaches over to shake the warlock's arm.

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