Chapter 12

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The portal stands open in the middle of Magnus' apartment. It's a portal leading back to the Institute.

Today's the day where Alec leaves. His wings are fully grown with golden feathers leaving no bald spaces. He and Magnus stand in the living room. Alec can tell the warlock is upset that he's leaving, even though Magnus is doing his best to hide that.

"Thank you for everything, Magnus," says Alec.

"Of course, Alexander," responds the warlock, flashing a smile. "Anything for you."

Alec gives a small smile in return. It's quick to disappear, though. "I... I'll see you around."

Magnus nods, despite Alec already having turned his back to him. He watches as Alexander steps through the portal, disappearing from sight. Sighing to himself, Magnus closes the portal with a simple wave of his hand. He's going to miss having Alec around.

Alec steps back into the Institute, his wings drawing close to his back. He's immediately swarmed by Isabelle, who greets him with a huge grin.

"You're back! Thank the Angel, I need your opinion on the color scheme for your mating ceremony. I couldn't decide between dark blue or bright yellow. What do you think?" Izzy goes on, already discussing details about the mating ceremony for Alec and Lydia.

Jace walks up to them. "Leave him alone, he just got back." He smiles over at Alec. "You've missed quite a lot while you were off at Magnus' place."

Izzy takes a step back, realizing with Jace's help that she had been crowding her brother. "Whoa, your wings look awesome," Izzy comments, unable to help herself.

"She's really excited to have you back," Jace whispers to Alec, who gives a small smile back. Alec doesn't mind. He's missed this.

The winged Shadowhunter turns to let Izzy have a better look at his wings. Jace also takes a look himself because wings are cool.

"Blue theme," Alec answers after a moment, then looking back over at Jace. "Fill me in, what did I miss?"

"Afterwards," Isabelle cuts in, "our parents want to talk to you." Her voice has changed from excited and happy to an unamused, annoyed tone when she mentions her and Alec's parents.

"You wanted to talk to me?" Alec asks. He steps into his father's office, curious about what he's being called down for. Jace has finished filling Alec in on all the things he missed. And he's missed a lot. Clary got her mother back and other Shadowhunters are working on finding the cure to wake her. Jace and Clary are apparently siblings (which Alec just finds weird but okay). Simon, Clary's friend, had turned into a vampire. So, yeah. A lot of things happened.

"Yes we do." Both Alec's parents are there. "We wanted to speak to you about your wings and your mating with Lydia Branwell."

Alec keeps a straight face and let's his parents go on. He doesn't know what his parents want to say to him.

"Your mutation... it's supposed to be a genetic one. However, there is no record whatsoever of any Lightwoods having this mutation. Ever. So either, every other member of your family just didn't have the correct combination of genes for the wings to appear which seems incredibly unlikely or something happened that shouldn't have."

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