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"A drink to celebrate!" Magnus exclaims the movement he steps into his apartment, Alexamder by his side. 

The Shadowhunter gives Magnus a look. "It's getting late. And besides, haven't you already had like four drinks back at the mating ceremony?" Alec raises an eyebrow at the warlock, who scoffs light heartedly. 

"Fine," Magnus sighs. "Such a party pooper." He and Alec exchange amused looks. "Are you sure you're alright with staying the night? I wouldn't want to force anything upon you," continues Magnus, his voice changing to a more concerned tone. 

Alec, slightly drunk, has to take a moment to process what Magnus had just said. "Maybe no sex stuff," Alec decides. "At least not yet. And you've got no need to worry, I've already spent multiple nights staying over at your place. What's one more?" 

"No sex stuff yet," Magnus repeats. "Sounds reasonable enough. How about a movie then? I can make popcorn." 

"Actually, I was thinking we could finish Supernatural together. Only got two episodes left in the last season." Alec suggestes this with a small shrug. Really, he doesn't care what they do or what tv series or movie they watch. He's drunk and just wants to spend time with Magnus. 

Magnus makes a face at that suggestion. "Oh, I think you're bette without watching the last couple of episodes. Believe me, they all suck and you will be disappointed." 

Alec stares at Magnus for a moment, worried and confused about what the hell happened in Supernatural that made the last few episodes so terrible Magnus suggests that not even Alec should watch them?? You know what? Maybe Alec doesn't even want to know. He can just pretend that they all lived happily ever after and Dean and Cas finally got together. 

The Shadowhunter shrugs his shoulders again, his wings moving with him. "We can watch a movie then. You can pick, I don't really have a preference." 

Magnus frowns softly. He would've hoped that Alec at least have an opinion on what movie to watch. Although maybe he's just too drunk to decide. 

A few minutes later, Alec and Magnus are sitting next to each other on the couch. There's a cat laying at their feet and a bowl of popcorn on the table in front of them. 

Now that the two of them are mates and this is a real thing, Magnus becomes a little less confident in his actions. What if he messes up and does something Alec doesn't like? What if he says they're dating but Alec says not technically? Are they even dating? Should Magnus put a label on it? Why does the movie have no sound? 

Magnus snaps his fingers, a blue swirl of magic appearing for a second before the remote is in his hand. He unmutes the television screen and lays back on the couch. Alec then becomes the first to make a move. The Shadowhunter places his head on Magnus' shoulder, his wing moving to wrap around the other like a soft, golden blanket. 

The warlock smiles softly and turns his attention to the movie. 

About halfway through the movie, Magnus notices that Alec has fallen asleep. Magnus pauses the movie, shutting the TV off, and brushes a rouge strand of hair out of his Shadowhunter's face. 

Yes, Magnus thinks, being Alexander Lightwood's mate is going to be fun. 

The End... 

Of this book anyways, perhaps not the series. (Sequel anybody???) 

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