Chapter Seventeen: Strange Bedfellows (Linc's POV)

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I sat on the dock after talkin' with the purple haired half breed, Nero, going over what he said.

"...we both want the same thing."

"To get Audrey off this damn island."

He never told me why he wanted to get her off the island, but I didn't care. I was fucked without my team. Now wasn't the time to be picky about allies and their motives. So long as he stayed outta my way, I didn't give a rat's ass about his reasons.

"Wow, you are incredibly easy to read."

I jumped up and whipped around to see someone standing on the shore. His hair was reddish brown, auburn, and his eyes were a warm caramel color.

He studied me with a strained expression, like he was forcing himself to be civil.

I took it as a challenge. "You talkin' shit, leech?"

"What would you do to rectify it if I were?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Attack under the cover of a flash bag? Shoot me in the chest with a silver rod?"

I saw a tremble ripple through him, saw the heat in his stare. Dude was pissed, highly pissed. Guess the blond I attacked earlier was a friend.

"He was more than a friend." He bit out. "He was my best friend. My brother."

I just about shit my pants. "Wait...did you just..?"

Did he really just read my mind?

"You're not as slow as you appear." The vamp scoffed, eyes narrowed. "Yes, I am a telepath. I can read your every thought, predict every move you will make before you finish thinking about it."

He moseyed up to the middle of the dock, stopping just before the dock stretched out over the water. His hands were behind his back, chin held high. This arrogant sumbitch was lookin' down his nose at me! 

On instinct, I reached for the silver blade tucked down the back of my boot and slid it out of it's sheath. 

"I didn't come here to fight, Lincoln." He held up a hand just as I got to my feet. "Stow the blade and come with me. We have much to discuss."

I was never a fan of following orders. And I sure as hell wasn't keen on obeying a vampire. I held my position, keeping the blade out in a defensive angle, ready to strike. "I ain't got shit to say to you, leech."

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow at me. "Not even about helping Audrey escape the island?" 

I gulped, relaxing my stance. How'd he..?

"I can read your mind. Remember?" He gave me a smug once over before turning on his heel and walking away. "Now if you'll just follow me, we can discuss this like two civilized beasts."

My jaw dropped, my brain struggling to accept what he was saying, what he was offering. After a minute, I slapped myself back to reality and jogged to catch up. 



The vampire had led me inside the university, which looked more like an old white dude's mansion than a school. The floor was a shiny eggshell white marbled with gold, and had a huge gold chandelier lighting up the entrance. There were pillars made out of stone, a gilded staircase carpeted with a deep red rug on either side of the room, and absolutely no furniture. 

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