Chapter Thirty-Seven: Prorities pt. 2 (Audrey's POV)

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The Lust was instant. The need to give in to the onslaught of kisses Linc rained upon my body, to let him shove his way deep into the apex of my thighs. It was so strong that I nearly cried out. My whole body ached for him, and I almost gave in, especially when his erection rubbed me in a deliciously painful way in just the right spot. 

But what stopped me was the things he was saying, the promises he made against my heated skin. 

"I'll always love you."

"Never anyone else."

"I'll never hurt you."

"Never fuck anyone else."

A tear slipped out of the corner of my eye, and I suddenly found my equilibrium. I shoved away the painful memory of watching Gabriel, Lucius and Aiden screw Havoc's golems, and cleared my throat. "Linc. Linc, stop. Snap out of it!"

He didn't. Instead, he spun us around until my back was against a fir tree, my legs spread wide. His eyes were bright orbs of gray, and they traveled lazily up and down my naked frame. When they landed at the spot between my legs, his gaze widened, and his tongue darted out to lick his lower lip. 

"Gotta taste you." He rumbled, already lowering his head. 

"Linc, no, stop. This isn't you--holy shit." I gasped as his mouth connected with my sex. 

His tongue was hot as it fluttered and delved greedily into me, causing my knees to buckle. He held me steady by my ass, gripping me so tightly it bordered on the side of agonizing. But strangely, that turned me on even more. I let out a heavy sigh as my eyelids slid closed, moaning and grinding against his expert mouth. 

This needed to stop.

Linc was still in his demon form, for Christ's sake!

But God help me, I didn't want it to stop. 

I didn't want to think about the hurt, the betrayal, caused by Gabriel and the others. I just wanted to feel good. And right now, Linc was making me feel very good. Until he suddenly stopped. 

My eyes jerked open just as a loud cracking sound erupted in front of me. Linc fell motionless to the ground, reverting back to his human form almost instantly. And towering above him was Duke, expression unreadable. 

Shame tried to settle in as he gazed at me, but Duke stopped it cold. "You have nothing to be ashamed of. Between the Lust and what you witnessed tonight, no one can fault you for wanting to feel something pleasant."

I started to ask how he knew I was being influenced by the Lust, but stopped myself. Duke was a mind reader, after all. 

Hesitantly, I let him take me by the hand and lead me away from Linc and the tree I had been leaning against. 

"He's not dead, is he?" I asked, glancing back at Linc's still body.

"No." Duke shook his head. "It would take more than a broken neck to kill a cambion like him."

I thought Duke might try to bring me to the throne room underneath the square, but he took me to Nero's cabin instead. I paused at the threshold, and stared up into his warm caramel eyes. "Shouldn't we bring him inside? It's awfully cold out."

Now that Linc's warmth wasn't surrounding me, the frigid night air was starting to get to me. 

Duke gazed down at me, then out at Linc. "He'll be fine, Audrey. Please, come inside before you freeze."

A bone-chilling blast of cold air shot tiny pellets of snow at us, and I hurried inside. 

I had only been in Nero's cabin once--the night I lost my virginity. Which, unbeknownst to me, was the night he had also lost his virginity. And just like that night, his cabin was dimly lit, the furniture sparse. A single bed with a chest of drawers on the right side of the room, a fireplace in the middle, and a small table with two chairs on the left wall across from his bathroom.

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