Chapter Forty-Two: Change of Plans pt. 2 (Duke's POV)

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"Please, Duke. When the time comes, just let me die. Let Havoc kill me."

"I'm not sure I can do that." I had said, praying to the Gods she would change her mind.  

"But would it work? Would it give you guys an edge?"

"Yes. It would work. But--"

"Then that's all I need to know."

My last conversation with Audrey replayed in my head. I had implored her to reconsider, suggested she try leaving with Nero and Lincoln like I had planned before.

But she refused.

Audrey was worried about what the AOD would do to us vampires that were stuck on the island. She was terrified of retaliation, that Havoc and his team would hurt us to get to her. So, she decided dying would be her best course of action.

"You heard what Linc said tonight." Audrey had pleaded. "As long as I live, Havoc won't stop hunting me."

"Then flee." I had begged again. "Save yourself. Audrey, please!"

She shook her head. "No, you flee. After I die, and you guys can no longer fight, run."

I was so heartbroken that I began to weep. But I had eventually agreed to do as she requested. Audrey had apologized profusely for asking this of me, and the hurt seeping from her mind mirrored my own.

Though it did little to soothe the ache deep in my chest.

She was okay with it, with sacrificing herself. I knew that. I honored that. But now, as I stood there listening to the sickening sound of Audrey's neck snapping, of her heart stopping mid-beat, I hated every ounce of myself for supporting her decision.

The potion she had drank--the one meant to nullify Havoc's magic so we could subdue him-- quelled the magic of the vampire blood she drank the night before. The very blood that could have kept her not alive, but not dead either. 

I had drank her blood from the bags she had filled, along with the rest of camp sec. It wasn't a proper blood exchange, however it might have been enough to turn her. To make her vampire. To bring her back. 

I hit my knees as reality set in. She was gone, the second woman I had ever loved in my very long, very cursed life. She was dead, and she had given her life to save us, her people. Fighting the despair, the heartbreak, I sent out a thought to all of my vampire brethren: the queen's death has granted us freedom. Head to the waters, destroy Havoc's allies. 

The other vampires' minds swirled and thrashed with pain, with confusion. It was impossible to sort through the thoughts, but I could feel what they felt, knew exactly what they wanted above all else--vengeance. 

And Audrey was right; her death would give our people an advantage. Her death cancelled the Influence her father had used to trap us here on the island. Now, we could take the fight to the AOD, or at the very least, we could flee if we became overcome. Though looking at everyone else, listening to the thrum of their agonized and violent thoughts, I doubted any one of them would run from this fight. 

And neither would I.

Nero was the first to attack, not bothering with taking off his clothes before diving into the ocean. In seconds, the water churned and roiled viciously, then blood rose to the top, sloshing and filling the air with a metallic and briny scented mist. 

A couple of AOD members Nero hadn't gotten to yet leapt out of the water, charging at Linc, at me. My opponent was a wood nymph, which meant fire would be needed.

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