Chapter Three

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After a particularly rough day of training, Shoto had started to cry. Kiyo wished he wouldn't, whenever he cried, their mother got involved, and always ended up hurt. As usual, their mother tried to plead with their father that they were too young for such intense training. Just like every other time, their father got angry and told her it was no concern of hers. Kiyo looked to her twin as he cried and she felt irritation bubbling up inside of her.

If he wouldn't cry and complain so much, their parents wouldn't fight. The training wasn't that hard and they'd get to be heroes one day, strong heroes, like their father. More than anything else, what irked her most about her twin, was that no matter what, he was always the favorite. Their mother coddled him and doted on him far more than Kiyo. Their father always called him his masterpiece and was convinced he'd become the greatest. Kiyo was just here to make sure Shoto could achieve their father's dream. She'd always be second best.

Kiyo looked to the shocked faces of her classmates as she returned to the group after she froze the entire building they were using for their hero training. It happened so fast and everyone in the building had become frozen to the ground allowing Kiyo's partner to easily get to the missile the other team was supposed to be hiding. Their match had been over in seconds.

"That was amazing, Kiyo." Kendo commended her with a smile.

Kiyo looked to the orange haired girl curiously. Why was she being nice to her? Usually after she told her new classmates of the year that she didn't have time nor interest in being friends with anyone, they left her alone. Normally she'd have told the girl off for being so informal with her but as she looked at Kendo, smiling brightly at her with sincere admiration, she couldn't bring herself to do it. Instead, she said nothing, merely nodded her head slightly in acknowledgement and went to stand at the back of the room.

After their hero lesson, class 1B went to change out of their hero costumes and were dismissed for lunch. Kiyo stripped out of her costume which consisted of a skin tight black bodysuit that really accentuated her athletic figure. It was reminiscent of her father's costume that had flames running throughout it, though only the right side of her costume had flames running throughout it, the left side had ice.

The other girls of class 1B giggled and chatted about hero class, how cool All Might was, and some of the most impressive moves they'd seen of the day. Kiyo tried to tune out of their conversation, but found herself listening so she could feel like she was part of it.

"I still can't believe how awesome Kiyo was, she froze everyone, in like the blink of an eye, it was insane."

Kiyo didn't catch who'd said it and now that the topic had turned to her she decided she didn't want to hear what they had to say and would leave so they could discuss whatever they wanted to their heart's content without worrying about hurting her feelings. She stepped out of the locker room back in her perfectly pressed uniform and headed toward her homeroom classroom to drop off her costume and pick up one of her textbooks.

After returning her costume and grabbing a textbook, she went to the cafeteria. As was becoming her routine, she got a tray of food, though probably wouldn't touch it and found a table to herself to sit at. She set her tray off to the side and opened her text book and her notebook and quickly began scribbling down notes. No matter what, she had to make sure she understood all of the material they'd go over in class, she couldn't afford to miss a single question.

Though it hadn't happened yet, she kept holding out hope that one day, her father would recognize all of her hard work. And in order for that to happen, she had to be the absolute best. Nothing less than absolute perfection would be tolerated. And then, maybe, one day, her father would realize she was the one meant to be his masterpiece all along, and she would be the one to see his dreams come true.

Kiyo paused in her writing as she heard not one, but seven, lunch trays drop onto her table. It wasn't Shoto, unless he'd brought friends with him. Her heterochromatic orbs flicked upward and she was surprised to see all of the girls from her class joining her at her table.

"What are you doing?" She asked warily.

"Joining you for lunch." Kendo smiled but her smile fell as she noticed the tray of untouched food in front of the serious girl with the heterochromatic eyes and half a head of long crimson hair and half a head of long white hair.

"I believe I already expressed to you all that I don't have time, nor am I interested in having friends." Kiyo frowned.

"And if that's not a cry for help, I don't know what is." Kendo said with a warm smile. "So, we're here."

Kiyo stared at her for a long moment before looking to the other girls who all smiled and nodded their agreement. "Do as you wish." She grumbled and returned her attention back to her notes. Despite her cool tone and harsh words, the others noticed she seemed to relax a little and realized Kendo had been right, their classmate needed help, desperately.

Her classmates engaged in conversation around her. Occasionally they'd address her to try and pull her into the conversation, but she ignored them. As they continued talking, they noticed the speed in which she had been taking notes had drastically begun to decline.

"Who would win in a fight between Endeavor or Kamui Woods?" Kendo asked the table suddenly.

There was a pause as if a silent exchange had taken place before Tokage responded, "Kamui Woods-."

"That's completely asinine." Kiyo blurted before she could stop herself, "his quirk is horribly ill suited against Endeavor-." Kiyo shut her mouth as she realized her classmates had been testing her to see if she was listening to them.

All of the girls of Class 1B were trying to fight off laughter.

Kiyo shot them a scowl and returned to her notes, sending all of the girls into a fit of giggles as she began furiously scribbling in her notebook. Her cheeks reddened at their teasing which only made them laugh more.

As she was surrounded by their warm laughter, she felt strangely happy, though she'd likely never admit it to anyone. Was this what it was like to have friends, perhaps it wasn't so bad. It wasn't nearly as lonely.

"How come you're not eating lunch, Kiyo?" Pony Tsunotori, the petite blonde sitting to the left of Kiyo, asked timidly. She was a foreign exchange student from the states.

Kiyo sighed and closed her notebook. She wasn't going to be able to accomplish anything with their chatting anyway. She pulled her tray toward her and took a bite of food.

Her classmates looked pleased with the progress they'd already made.

"The Todoroki, in Class 1A, Shoto, you two are twins, right?" Tokage pondered.

Kiyo nodded.

"Do you guys have like a twin sense?" Tokage asked.

Kiyo shook her head and took another bite of her lunch. It had been awhile since she'd actually sat down and eaten lunch. She was so used to skipping lunch as she'd been doing it every school year for as long as she could remember. Lunch had always been a good time for her to get ahead in her classes and when she looked busy with schoolwork during lunch, no one bothered her, until now that is.

"Really?" Tokage frowned, "that would have been cool."

"We're not that close." Kiyo replied coolly, her tone implying the topic was now finished.

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