Chapter Eleven

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 The second game was announced to be a cavalry battle with only the top 42 students from the first round. Each student was given a point value depending on where they placed in the first game. The freckle faced boy, Midoriya, was worth a ridiculous ten million points. Because of that, many people were shying away from him thinking they'd rather target him than be on his team.

Kiyo noticed her twin shoot him another dark look as people began to form teams. She thought for a moment weighing her options. She could join her friends and have fun, or she could team up with this boy who'd somehow irked her brother. She glanced up at her father, he was still watching Shoto, not sparing a single glance for her. She clenched her firsts at her sides, her mind was made up.

"Kiyo?" Kendo looked at the quiet girl as she moved away without a word, her fists clenched tightly at her sides. She threw a worried look after her.

Kiyo approached the boy with the spattering of freckles across his boyish face. Shoto would be targeting him, and playing keep the crybaby away from her twin could be fun. She stopped before him just as he'd started to look defeated after asking several of his classmates to join him.

He stared at her with wide eyes, "u-um you want to be on my team?" He stammered.

Kiyo nodded.

"Whoa, really?!" He asked in awe.

Kiyo nodded once more.

"Why?" He asked bewildered.

"Does it matter?" She frowned.

", I guess not." He stammered before thinking to himself and muttering under his breath, "your quirk is like Todoroki's, except reverse."

Her heterochromatic orbs narrowed, her quirk was MUCH stronger than her brothers and she could activate it from both sides, it was way more exhausting that way but she could still do it and he couldn't.

"Oh, whoa. Sorry." The boy yelped when he saw her glaring at him. "...I didn't mean anythi-."

"It's fine." Kiyo grumbled bitterly, it was anything but fine.

The boy shyly extended his hand to her in greeting, "Izuku Midoriya."

Kiyo stared at his hand but didn't take it. "Kiyo Todoroki."

Midoriya let his hand hang for a moment but after realizing she wasn't going to accept it, he let it fall limply at his side. "Th-thanks for wanting to team up with me, I was getting a little worried no one would-." He was rambling again.

Kiyo sighed. "You shouldn't thank me, I joined you for purely selfish reasons."

"Huh?" He looked up at her with big bright green eyes.

"My brother will most likely be targeting you, and I have something to prove to someone, this works in my favor, that's all. So save your thanks." She didn't like all his grateful rambling, it made her uncomfortable, she didn't deserve his thanks.

"O-oh." Midoriya threw a look in her twin's direction before looking back at the icy girl. The Todoroki twins were pretty intense and at first they seemed cold and standoffish, but perhaps they weren't. Even though she was trying to wave away his thanks, he had a feeling she wasn't trying to be mean to him, more like she was being hard on herself.

"Not that I'm not confident that I could carry you alone the whole round, but should we perhaps find more teammates?" Kiyo asked him in a bored tone.

Midoriya was about to respond with surprise at her thinking she could carry him for the whole round but paused as he took another look at her. Though she seemed petite, there was very obvious muscle definition on her revealed arms and he had a feeling she very well could carry him and wouldn't be the slightest bit hindered by it. "R-right. Um, I have a few people in mind-..." he trailed off and hesitated to move wondering if she'd come with him or not.

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