Chapter Twenty One

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 Kiyo exited the station, ignoring an irate Bakugo in the process as he glared after her as they parted ways. Their internship had been uneventful and Bakugo seemed to have learned his lesson and backed off after Kiyo had nearly frozen him to death. She didn't make it far before she heard a car horn blare at her.

Turning her glowing heterochromatic orbs in the direction the sound had come from she let out a loud sigh as she spotted a familiar van. It belonged to one of the nuisances who'd tried to abduct her. Kiyo let out an audible groan and began rubbing her temples. She looked at the van again and was surprised to see an older woman in the passenger seat smiling at her brightly. Her expression softened as she remembered he'd told her before his mother had been diagnosed with cancer.

"Hey Scary Girl!" The driver waved over at her with a grin.

"Hello." Kiyo replied tonelessly.

"Need a lift?" He asked.

"No." She answered bluntly.

His mother rolled her window down and waved over to her, "I heard so much about you, thank you young lady, for setting my boy and his friends on the right path. They're good kids, honestly, they just get lost sometimes."

Kiyo nodded and offered her a polite smile. "No thanks necessary."

"What a sweet girl." The older woman smiled fondly.

Kiyo offered her a polite bow of her head, "have a good day." She bid them farewell and headed for home.

On her way, a window display caught her eye. The display belonged to a cute little shop with all sorts of odds and ends. The front window display had a bunch of My Neighbor Totoro merchandise. There were plushies, bento boxes, chopsticks, stationary and so many other things with Totoro and Catbus. She thought of Pony and how excited she was when they got to watch Totoro at Kendo's house. Glancing around, almost as if she were afraid to be seen, she ducked into the store. There was a shelf with all the merchandise from the window display right at the front of the store.

Kiyo picked up a Totoro bento box, chopsticks and lunch wrap. She thought of bringing Pony lunch and gifting her the Totoro supplies knowing the bubbly girl would be overjoyed. Just thinking of her reaction brought a smile to Kiyo's face. As she was about to head to the counter to pay for her purchases, she spotted a cute squashy Totoro plush and sighed before tucking it under her arm, adding it to her purchases.

The cashier smiled knowingly at the nervous expression on the teen's face, "oh, shopping for a crush?" She asked.

Kiyo felt her cheeks redden. "Uh-..." She stammered uselessly as she fumbled with her wallet and handed the cashier some money. "...I guess..."

"How cute." The cashier smiled and handed her the change before carefully bagging everything up. "I hope they like them. Have a good day dear."

"Th-thank you. You too." Kiyo murmured nervously as she accepted her change and the carefully packaged bag before scurrying out of the store.

As she arrived at the Todoroki estate, she saw her father and her twin seeming to have ended a rather tense discussion. They both turned to look at her as she stepped through the front door. Kiyo inclined one perfectly manicured frosty brow at them in return. Her glowing eyes flicked to her twin, taking note of fresh bandages wrapped around his left forearm and a small bandage beneath his left eye.

"It's fine." Her father remarked in response to her inclined brow thinking she was inquiring about the tense atmosphere.

"I didn't ask." Kiyo shrugged as she kicked off her shoes and headed for the laundry room to wash the clothes she'd brought with her.

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