Chapter Sixteen

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 Endeavor arrived at UA his mind lingering on what had happened to Toya. His heart was heavy as he finally reached Recovery Girl's office afraid of what state he'd find his youngest child in. He arrived to see Kiyo sitting on the edge of one of the beds wrapped in a blanket. She threw a fierce look at him the moment he opened the door. He felt a little relieved, if she had enough energy to look at him like that she probably wasn't in any immediate danger.

"Let's go." His voice came out much harsher than he had intended and he saw a flash of blue fire spark from the corner of her glowing right eye. "Kiyo." He was trying to keep himself calm but there was an edge to his voice and it came out as a warning.

Kiyo angrily shrugged the blanket off of her and exited through the door brushing past her father.

"Kiyo, you should keep that on." Recovery Girl called after her.

Endeavor sighed and picked up the blanket as Kiyo stormed down the hall. "Thanks, Recovery Girl." He nodded his head politely to the older woman before going after his youngest child. "Kiyo, stop this nonsense." He called after her only to leap back as a flurry of blue fire and razor sharp spikes of ice shot toward him seemingly from all around him.

Kiyo didn't even spare a glance in his direction as she was overcome with rage. Her father began to wonder if she'd even been aware her quirk had lashed out at him or if it was subconscious. She silently made her way to the awaiting car and got into the backseat before folding her arms across her chest.

Endeavor struggled to maintain his composure as he got into the car after her. He reached out to drape the blanket over her only for her to slap it away and shoot him a scathing look. "You don't get to play the concerned parent role, you can drop the act." She seethed.

"Like it or not, I am a concerned parent, something is wrong with you." He tried to keep his voice in check but it came out in a growl.

"Yeah, I stopped giving a damn about what you think, it's been quite liberating." Kiyo retorted. "Perhaps, I'm just becoming more me and you think it's wrong because I won't be that pathetic naïve little girl you can manipulate and walk all over."

Endeavor frowned. He had taken advantage of that in the past. He'd always expected Kiyo to be eager to please and to always be there to welcome him home and make sure he had a place at the dinner table. It had made him happy to see her training in the courtyard when he'd come home on late nights and see the bright look in her eyes as he returned from a long day. Now all he saw in her strangely glowing heterochromatic eyes was ice cold hatred.

He picked up the blanket and dropped it over top of her without a word. He'd failed her, he knew that, he knew it the moment she'd stopped fighting and screamed at him during her match with Shoto. It was the first time she'd ever raised her voice at him. And in that moment he knew, it was too late, there was no turning back. He'd had no idea how strong she really was, how much she'd trained and honed her quirk. She could do it, she could surpass All Might, but it was too late now, she despised him and wanted nothing to do with him.

Kiyo gripped the blanket in her hands tightly and was about to hurl it away from her when her father placed his hand over top of hers. There was a sizzling sound as he made contact and she knew it was probably causing frostbite to his hand but he kept it there.

"Leave it." He said quietly.

Kiyo threw him a dark look but reluctantly left the blanket on. There was guilt in his teal eyes and she suspected he was thinking of what had happened with Toya. Her expression darkened. "Oh. I see. You're not even concerned about me at all are you?" She clenched her fists, "you're just feeling guilty because you're afraid what happened to Toya is going to happen again."

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