Chapter Five

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Kiyo bit back a cry of pain as she felt something in her shoulder give with a loud 'pop'. If her father noticed he paid no mind and pushed her to continue fighting. Shoto wouldn't improve if his sparring partner was subpar. Somehow Shoto's lack of improvement was her fault. She was trying her best, but she didn't like beating up her twin. It was obvious Shoto didn't want to be here, he didn't want to train like this and he especially didn't want to fight his twin.

After their training was over, their father dismissed them. Shoto, as he so often did, ran straight to their mother to cry. Kiyo found herself alone in the hall outside the training room unsure of where to go or who to turn to for comfort. She bit her lip to keep from crying as she glanced at her shoulder. It didn't look right. Her instinct was to run to her mother and tell her she was hurting, but Shoto was already there and whenever Shoto was involved, Kiyo was always everyone's second choice.

"What's wrong with you?" The voice of her eldest brother startled her.

Kiyo glanced up as she felt a hand fall atop her head. Toya, who she had always thought despised her and Shoto looked down at her with concern in his teal eyes. His hair was a striking unruly white. She'd seen pictures of Toya when he was her age and his hair had been red like their fathers, but it changed. Her gaze fell on some fresh bandages on his wrists.

"Did you burn yourself?" She asked quietly.

Toya ruffled her hair, "we were talking about you."

Kiyo couldn't help but feel happy as he gently ruffled her hair in a comforting manner. She'd often wished she could interact like this with her father. She quietly pointed to her shoulder.

Toya offered her a sympathetic look. Even when his father had trained him, he wasn't that rough. Perhaps he was getting desperate, he felt like he was running out of time, Shoto was his last hope and Kiyo suffered the abuse because rather than be a man and own up to his mistakes, he blamed Kiyo for Shoto not excelling like he wanted him to. Toya clenched his fists, as he looked down at his timid baby sister. If only their fool of a father could see the masterpiece he had hoped for was right here, it was Kiyo.

"It's going to hurt." Toya noted as he placed a hand atop her shoulder and his other around her thin upper arm.

Kiyo knew it would, "I won't make a peep." She promised.

Toya looked down at her warily, "it's okay if you do."

Kiyo shook her head.

"Suit yourself." Toya sighed and quickly fixed her shoulder. He winced at the sickening crack as it popped back into place.

Kiyo bit her lip, but didn't make a sound. Despite being in a lot of pain, she forced herself to look up at her eldest brother and offer him a smile, "thank you."

Toya gently wrapped his arms around her. He felt her tremble faintly and knew she was putting on a brave face when she was really in a great deal of pain.

Kiyo suddenly noticed her brother was wearing shoes indoors and looked as if he were going to leave the house as he was dressed for the weather, "where are you going?"

"Sekoto Peak. I want to show Endeavor something." He replied as he released her from his hold.

"Can I come?" Kiyo asked hopefully.

Toya offered her a smile and ruffled her hair once more, "no, the best thing for you to do right now is sleep."

Kiyo tried not to look rejected and nodded. He was probably right, she was still in a lot of pain. Sleep did sound good.

"I'll check on you later." He ruffled her hair once more. "Go sleep."

Kiyo smiled, gave him a quick hug and scampered back to her room.

Kiyo felt a pain in her chest as she thought of her eldest brother. Toya never returned to check on her. Whatever he wanted to show their father resulted in a roaring wildfire with insane temperatures and Toya was lost to the blaze. Because her father forbade her elder siblings from being near Shoto and she was Shoto's partner, she didn't have many interactions with her siblings growing up as they had to stay away from her whenever she was with Shoto, and she was almost always with Shoto. She wished she'd gotten to spend more time with Toya, he'd been kind and comforting.

"Everyone stay in this room till I return!" Mr. Kan, Class 1B's teacher, addressed them all urgently before taking off out the door.

Kiyo looked around the room at her classmates' worried faces. Monoma, a boy with blonde hair and periwinkle eyes who would probably be cute if it weren't for his horrendous personality, threw a scowl out the window, "whatever it is, I bet that annoying class 1A is involved." He grumbled.

Class 1A was supposed to be at the USJ for their rescue training. Class 1B had completed theirs before lunch. Kiyo thought about her teacher's exit from the room, it seemed urgent. Had something gone wrong? A dark thought crept across her mind, if something happened to Shoto, her father would be forced to recognize her, she was all he'd have left. She nearly gasped at the thought that had crossed her mind and hurriedly shoved it to the back of her mind. How could she let herself think something like that? Sure, she and Shoto weren't exactly close but she wouldn't wish harm on him.

Her stomach twisted guiltily. What if something happened to him? She'd feel awful. He was her twin, even if they didn't have a 'freaky twin sense' like other twins, even if they rarely spoke (though that was entirely on her), he was her twin brother and the few times she'd let him get close to her, he seemed to care, at least a little.

"Kiyo?" Kendo approached the quiet girl with the heterochromatic orbs that everyone else was convinced was a robot.

Kiyo pulled herself from her racing thoughts and glanced up to find Kendo looking down at her. Her teal eyes were filled with warmth and compassion as she reached down and placed a hand on the cold girl's shoulder. She offered her a reassuring smile.

"I'm sure your brother is alright. You're amazingly strong so I'm sure he is too." Kendo tried to offer her encouragement, not realizing her words were hurtful.

Of course everyone would assume her brother was stronger than her. She nodded, to appease Kendo but said nothing.

Monoma scoffed at this, "good riddance, Class 1A is so annoy-."

"MONOMA!" Kendo swiveled on him with a growl and her hands suddenly enlarged.

Kiyo watched as Kendo slapped Monoma out of his seat as easily as one might swat a bug. She glanced down at Monoma, flattened on the ground before turning back to Kendo not sure why she had done that.

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