Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

After the disturbing conversation she had with Lady Rosaline and a trip to the kitchen, Eli was led to the Palace Gardens, an extravagant strip of land with a giant fountain smack in the middle.

The Garden was literally a huge maze consisting of hedges and shrubs that were trimmed to perfection.

The gardener definitely needed a raise.

With Azalea trailing behind her, her wolf walked leisurely in and out of the bushes, taking luxury in the quiet atmosphere featured with the light rushing sounds of the fountain. With a pelt of dark chocolate spilled on top of a white undercoat, her wolf form was akin to a Siberian Husky.

One of her umber pointed ears twitched at the slight rustle of bushes nearby, her bushy tail sweeping to and fro as she anticipated the stranger. The incoming wolf had a scent that was equally novel yet nonthreatening, the only reason she hadn't bolted to the other side of the garden.

A sandy wolf eased into her sights, the male wolf easily trumping her in size but also reeking of assertive dominance with the way he held his broad posture. Different from Trenton's lay-back cocky confidence, but unmistakably a strong male.

He came to her sides unhesitatingly- as if he'd done it many times before- seeking affection in her presence. She teetered in response, wary of his motives, snapping him off as she saw dejection flashing over his features.

As her fur slowly retreaded to the gown-draped human form, she slowly stood up to see the amber wolf follow.

It was a surprise to see Alpha Alexander in old-fashioned general uniform staring intently at her, giving her a clearer view of the Alpha than at the Royal dinner.

His cerulean eyes shone brightly under the blazing sun, curls of untamed golden locks resting upon thick brows, with a defined jaw set tightly. He was the epitome of every fairytale's Prince Charming- amazingly sculpted in every aspect.

Gosh, he looks so much like Alec.

"Lady Elise, I haven't seen you much lately? Your morning routine differs greatly from usual."

"Are you stalking me?" She raised one of her brows slightly. He chuckled in response.

"No, your Majesty. It is just... you have always accompanied me for a walk in the palace after breakfast."

"Are you reckoning that I have spent my time with another male for leisure when I clearly had a mate?"

She was more and more in awe of Lady Elise. The former owner was sure to put her in a hard spot before going off her merry way. Even mates in the twenty-first century were possessive of their loved one's outings- she doubts the Prince would allow his mate to frolic with his rival.

Or did he really not care an ounce for her?

She felt a headache coming.

You must be enjoying the position I am in, Lady Elise.

He bowed his head down with a sad smile, "Before you courted with Prince Trenton it was our leisure, your Majesty. Now it is merely a time for what our pack is working with- a political briefing of sorts. You would never divulge into personal matters."

The disturbing ache loosened at his words but was again muddled with his following words.

"You were-are stubbornly loyal for a foe."

She laughed awkwardly, but the tension refused to ease away.

"Well, I'm certain I had my reasons, Alec- Lord Alexander." Quickly covering up, she was determined to drag this conversation to neutral grounds.

A flock of house sparrows tittered nervously, and water droplets hit the hard concrete of the fountain.

"There is a lovely place around the corner, I'll lead you there." Alpha Alexander offered an arm, an act so fluid and habitual she almost followed.

While his offer was endearing and borderline affectionate, if she wanted the Prince in her palms, her relationship with the Alpha of War would have to see its end. Even a briefing could become a cause of mistrust.


"Please call me Alex."

"Alex," she continued with stress, "Please send another informer for future briefings."

With swift movements, he came dangerously in front of her, grasping her arms domineeringly to his chest. Surprised at the abruptness and roughness, she gasped involuntarily. She was only used to his gentle manner, the change of demeanor shocked her from making any retaliation.

"Lady Elise, your life is in greater danger than before, now you are next in line for Queen. Don't push me away, let me keep you safe on the grounds." His tone edged close to begging, which made her reel from the fact an Alpha was imploring her for anything.

"Alex, you should get off-"

"No. Not until you grasp the severity of your position now that you are a part of this game." She struggled in his clutches, her fear steadily growing when she met his gaze turning urgent by the second. Her certainty that the male would not hurt her was unwavering, but his touch was sickening at the very most.

"I will call the soldiers-"

"Losing your memory is a pivotal point in everything, Elise. Your bewilderment is expected, but I am your longest acquaintance, you have to trust me in keeping you alive. This is not for debate."

The mate bond was preventing any intimacy to seep into his words and actions.

"Let go of me, Alex."

The underlying timbre has certainly not gone unnoticed by the Alpha but did nothing to loosen his clutch. As the future Queen of a kingdom, she thought that her command would have more steel. Apparently, her voice was nothing- at least, to one of the most authoritative Alphas in the kingdom.

This picture of her and Alpha Alexander in the Gardens without any escort was suspicious in itself, if they were to get caught in this state-

A slight breeze chilled her to the very core, carrying a particular, subtle woodsy scent she could never forget.

A hand clamped on the strong arms keeping her captive.


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