Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

 "Trenton!" The Prince's obsidian eyes were filled with hatred as he turned to her.

"You have to love me." She couldn't sense her chin wobbling or her tears falling but she heard everything and so much more in her voice.

His eyes.

Sheer fury didn't cut it. He despised her.

Taut jaws, blank eyes, fists clenched, and it was all towards her.

"No. I really don't."

And the scenery changed to another relentless dream before she could steadily rise from her haze.

She still remembered the way her body burned when she had the flu.

It was the first time she went through the year without any vaccine shots, and it was just her luck the flu came its jolly way to her system. At first, it started out as any cold would, but Tylenol wore off quickly as her fever should have broken in the early stages of anything.

Being a werewolf meant better stamina and burning everything incompatible with her body, but it didn't make her immune to every virus.

The influenza she caught made her suffer for long nights of fever and chills, a combination she never thought was possible. Sweat formed all over her body yet she was freezing and turned on the heater. She wrapped blanket over blanket over her freezing body while brushing sweaty hair off her forehead.

She had never felt so conflicted to grab more blankets or run an ice-cold bath. She swore to never skip out on a shot ever again.

Well, she didn't. But her body felt the same as she did then.

The unwelcome memories from the Throne Room entered through her head with no filter. What was even worse than the pain itself was relieving it in full memory.

I'm never standing up for Lady Rosaline, ever again. Ugh.

The pain was what forced her to break through the daze of many dreams. The dull slow-burning mounted into a severe discomfort forcing her to lay on her back. Probably not the wisest decision after a lashing, but she wasn't exactly conscious to be making well-placed judgments.

She was stopped by a warmth on her shoulder which she flinched as the touch itself inflicted a spark of pain. Any minuscule movement spread fire to her back as she hissed lowly in pain.

"That will not be wise, Lady Elise." A low rumble stopped her. The fatigue seeping hinted the owner had not slept for long hours.

She wrenched an eye heavily to see a sitting figure next to the crimson duvet, a sharp contrast of dark green chinos perched on the bedside stool.

"What-" Her croak was embarrassing at the very least, and a wet towel quickly sponged her cracked lips. She sputtered slightly as the carer applied more force than expected. The towel dropped as quickly as it came and a hand cradled her cheek.

"I'm sorry, The physician told me to moisturize- to sponge your lips- is this not working?" She closed her eyes to smile gently.

"No, Trenton. You're just- stronger than you think." Her body didn't allow anything above a mumble but the Prince must have heard her when his long fingers brought the towel more tenderly to her lips.

When her vision cleared, it became more significant that his hand was shaking, and she moved her gaze worryingly from the bedside table to his face. The Prince's face was dim as he brought down his hands.

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