05. Xiong Di Jie Mei Code 7

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"So, you made us fly all the way here just to eat potatoes?" Xiaotang asked incredulous. "Oh my god, Lu Keran!"

It's true. Upon receiving the group call the previous day, Xiaotang and Shaking immediately packed up and left for Qing Chun village. After all, xiong di jie mei code seven requires an immediate rescue mission no matter where the person in trouble is in the world. As Keran's official jie mei (more like xiong di), Xiaotang and Shaking were eager their friend a favor. As early as six in the morning, they arrived at Qing Chun village where Keran greeted them with desperately open arms. The two of them were then led to the basement (Shaking thought Keran was hiding a body or something) only to be greeted by a mountain of potatoes.

"Frankly, I don't know whether to be happy or angry about this," said Shaking. "I'm happy because I'm going to get to eat to my heart's content, but angry because you called us over for something as unimportant as potatoes."

"Look, it's not as simple as you think," Keran rubbed her forehead tiredly. "This mountain of potatoes could cost me my love life."

"What? What are you bullshitting about, Lu Keran?" Xiaotang asked.

"No, I'm not bullshitting," Keran sighed exasperatedly. "Alright, I'll just show you two. See and judge for yourselves."

Just like that, Keran dragged the two girls over to the window and pointed towards Lin Fan's farm. Xiaotang and Keyin squinted.

"Oh! You like that girl?" Xiaotang grinned mischievously.

"What does that have to do with anything about the pota- OH!" Shaking suddenly exclaimed. "Wait... Is she?"

"Yep, she is," Keran sighed exasperatedly.

Xiaotang and Shaking stood there jwas agape for a good distance in front of them was Lin Fan, kissing her potatoes.

"Lu Keran, you're so screwed," Xiaotang patted Keran on her back.

"I know!" Keran cried. "If I tell her, I'm so screwed. And I'm already addicted to the taste of her skin."

"Wait, what?!?!" Shaking screeched. "You-"

"Yes! We've already done it!" Keran sobbed. "If she finds out, my life is over!"

Shaking and Xiaotang looked at a pathetically crying Keran and then at each other.

"Well," Shaking cracked her knuckles. "To save this poor little soul, we better get to peeling the potatoes, right, Tangtang?"


"I'm so fucking stuffed," Shaking moaned.

"Of course," Xiaotang snickered as she slowly chewed on a french fry. "You ate three pots of mashed potatoes, four pots of potato soup, and a whole mountain of french fries yourself."

Shaking burped rather loudly and then groaned.

"That's because you're not eating!!!" she protested and then burped silently. "I literally can't move anymore, Zhao Xiaotang!"

"Not my problem," said Xiaotang as she elegantly took another french fry. "Just so you know, we still have that potato pie."

Shaking groaned even louder.

"How are you two doing?" Keran asked as she came into the dining room.

"I'm dy-"

"We're doing excellent!" Xiaotang smiled. "Don't worry, Keke! The mountain is half gone! You can go back to working out!"

"I know I can count on you two!" Keran smiled. "Have fun!"

As soon as Keran left, Shaking went apeshit.

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