Chapter 1: The Beginning of Strange

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        Here's a big shocker to start off the story of my life: I was born. I was a small little cute guy, unharmed by the world of gods that would soon be my own. But all of that would change rather quickly.

        It was only six months after my birth that my house was burned down by a giant dragon. Yep. A dragon. And because of my luck and wits, I was able to survive somehow. My parents, on the other hand, did not share the curtain of my fortune. 

        Fast foward a couple years, to a part I can actually remember. And here it goes:

        I woke up, in (pretty big surprise) a bed. Around me, the room was full of swords and other ancient artifacts. I stood up and grabbed a sword that looked like it hadn't been used in years. I blew the dust off of it and ran my hand across the edge. 

        "Ow!" I yelped when the blade cut my hand. At that moment, I heard knocking on the door. 

        "Rise and shine, Brian!" a voice said as it entered the room. In came a boy. I studied him. He had blonde hair, and he was relatively tall, but not much taller than me. 

        "Brian?" I asked, realizing I didn't even know my own name. He didn't look suprised to see the memory gap at all.

        "We had to use a memory wipe on you two weeks ago. It was the only way to salvage your mind from the Cyclops attack," he replied. Of course at the time, I was very confused. I didn't know who I was, or what cyclops were or who this boy was.

        "I'm Peter. I'm a centurion here, at Camp Jupiter," he told me. For the next couple hours, he filled me in on how I was determined a son of Minerva, and how I was found at a burned down house. Peter gave me a tour of Camp Jupiter. I thought I was crazy, or dreaming, but there was nothing else to believe, for I was completely lost in the new world.

        After many weeks I got used to the brutal training, and found my friendship with Peter grow every day. I was initiated into the fourth cohort. My fighting with a sword grew from horrible to mediocre, from mediocre to good. Things were finally normal. Well, for a demigod at least. But for everything good in my life, there was an equally bad thing coming. And it was coming fast.


Thanks for reading hope that wasn't too bad for a first chapter in my first book. I tried to keep it brief becuase it was an intro chapter. Anyway, VOTE & COMMENT please. Hopefully next week the next chapter (Which I promise will be longer and more in depth) "The Egyptian". Seeya next week :D

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