Chapter 7: The Titan's Throne

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        Hello there. I'm sorry if that last chapter was a bit rushed. It was a very hard time for me, and I just wanted to get through it as fast as I could. Without further ado: the next installment in the sad, sad life of a boy with amazing hair. Yes, that's me.

        I turned around to identify who was scolding me. What I found almost knocked me off my feet. I saw a man with black armor and a helmet that looked like the devil's head, horns included. He was a good foot taller than me, and he scared the life out of me just at glance. 

        "Good fight, but you need work on your form," he said. His voice alone made me feel shivers. It was so... evil. There is no better way to describe it. So there I was, having my fighting technique judged by a man who scared me just by appearance.

        "Who- who are you?" I asked, my voice higher than usual. 

        "Not here, boy. Too many of these campers to witness." He disappeared in black smoke, and before I knew it, I was next. 

        I reappeared in a the middle of a circular room. Near the walls, there were thrones. My initial thoughts were that Pluto had brought me to Mount Olympus' throne room. But this couldn't be Mount Olympus. It was too dark. Then the man confirmed the theory I formulated at that moment.

        "Welcome to the throne room of the Titans. I am Lord Krios, the only Titan that is currently alive. I bring you here to serve my armies and become the leader. I needed to see your ferocity in battle, so I killed your girlfriend. I-" I interjected there. 

        "I will kill you, Titan or not! Do you understand the pain you caused me? I loved her and you took her away just to out me through your sick tests. Your appearance is meant to intimidate, but I do not fear you!" That was a lie. I was terrified, but my anger surpassed and I charged at him with my sword. For one simple moment, I thought I had a chance, but he caught my khopesh with his arm and threw it across the room.

        "Your camp may have taught you how to fight, but your pretty little swords techniques are nothing to me. I am Krios, lord of the stars! And you, Brian Pepper Holtz, will do my bidding," he yelled. Then he snapped his fingers and I lost control of my body. I don't remember what happened next, but when I woke up, I was in a cage with monster dust all around me. I had my sword with monster blood on it in my hand.  I heard Krios' voice in my head.

        "As I said: you will do my bidding. No one remembers their first time being controlled, and I don't suppose you remember all the monsters I had you kill. Understand this, Holtz: you are weak, but you have so much potential. I just expand on that. You should thank me for doing this. Now, then. My part will be getting you ready for war from the throne room," he laughed a laugh that sent shivers down my spine. I lost control of my body again, and evil took me. I started walking out of the cage. Suddenly, I knew my way around the dark home of the Titans. I took the stairs on the right and went up until I reached a door. I pushed the door open and walked onto a balcony. There were monsters beyond count below me. Even in the possessed state, I was shocked. This army could take the known world in four weeks time.

        "Army of the Titans, listen to your leader!" I said as the words came out. They all formed ranks and listened to me. 

        "In a few weeks time, we march on Camp Jupiter. We take the demigods and we crush them. There will be no dawn for the demigods. Then we take the rest of them. Finally, we march on Mount Olympus. Lord Krios will become the real Lord!" I yelled. All the monsters cheered. I smiled an evil smile. The good part of my mind had to witness this, helpless, with no control. I needed help now more than ever, but who would hear me? My mother never cared before. Still, as I moved possessed back to train for the upcoming doomsday, I prayed to my mother. Nothing happened, until I found myself an owl, soaring over my own body. I had control over the owl body, and I flew out of there, wile my possessed body still moved.

        I flew as far away from there as I could. Then I became frozen, and Athena appeared before me. 

        "My son. I am the wit of the Olympians, and here me now: you must pretend to be possessed. I know it will grieve you and tire you, but I can free your mind from the grasps of Krios. Succeed in your acting, and accept Krios' training. The stronger he makes you, the more chance you have at defeating him at the battle of Camp Jupiter. You will be in fighting prime on the seventh day. It is then that you must run back to camp and ready the legion for war. All this I give you and it is all I can," she said calmly. 

        "But you can't help? Surely the gods can take down Krios easily, one of the weakest of the Titans," I said bitterly, knowing she couldn't.

        "The Gods cannot intervene. I'm sorry, my child. I must go," she responded. At that I blacked out and awoke in the middle of battle will some practice monsters. I slashed and diced them away. Normally, I would be getting destroyed after a couple monsters, but Krios must have been filling my potential or whatever from the throne room because I felt stronger after every hit. 

        Pretending. For seven days. To a Titan. Oh boy, I thought.


Yay It's back! I'll be posting every Sunday from now till the end of the series unless I can't. The last few chapters should be great because now I have a long time to work on them. Thank you for all the support so far in the series. I was going to do content in the meantime while Origins was down but I never had the time so I could only plan my next series. I'll give more details on that in coming weeks in the end of Chapter blurb. Thanks for reading, don't forget to vote and comment. See ya next week!


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