Chapter 3: The Island

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I woke up, vision blurred, unaware where I was. When my vision finally cleared, I saw rocks all around me, and my hands were bound to palm trees on each side of my hand, growing from small patches of dirt scattered around the ground.

"Peter!" I called, hoping he was somewhere near, but no answer came. I waited and waited, then suddenly I heard footsteps, and a man walked into view. He wore a cloth on his legs, and a quiver. He had a long beard.

"Ah, so the man himself awakens. I hope the arrow didn't startle you to much," he smiled, and pulled an arrow out of the quiver. It was identical to the one that struck our chariot.

"You damn psychopath! You killed two people!" I yelled, full of rage, trying to break out, but to no avail. The man didn't stop smiling.

"I know I did! And believe me, I enjoyed it so much! The screams help me sleep at night. But that was just a bonus. What I really needed was your weapons, and I have them now! But I've been so rude! Introduction is necessary. I'm the chosen prophet of the Titans. And you are?" I didn't answer. I was so angry, and I needed to see Peter again, and at that moment, it seems, my prayers were answered, but not in the way expected.

Peter walked in dressed exactly like the man. He stared at me coldly, and with bow and arrow in hand.

"Have at him, then," the man said, and walked out. Peter aimed the bow at me.

"Peter! Have you lost your mind?" I cried, but he just stared at me.

"I serve the Titans now. They need an armory, and that's what they have at hand now. I have been ordered to kill you," I had almost lost hope, then I saw him point at his ear, then at the wall of rocks next to me. I understood. The man was listening.

"Please don't shoot me!" I said, trying to make it believable.

"Oh don't worry, I will, and death will come later," he said. I was worried that he was serious, and her released his arrow. I closed my eyes. When I opened, my right arm was free. I smiled and fake screamed. I pulled the arrow out of the tree and cut my other bondage. I motioned for him to keep talking, and I climbed the wall the man was behind, slowly.

"Coward. Have I removed your ability to talk?" Peter said. I reached the top, and saw the man a couple feet down. I reached slowly down while Peter continued his fake monologue. I took out all of the arrows, very smoothy and put them back face up. Then I jumped down, and Peter followed.

Peter pointed his bow at the man, and I a single arrow. He looked confused, but before he could curse out Peter, I spoke up.

"Whichever one of us you kill, the other one will kill you," hoping my plan would work.

"Think I know not how to shoot two arrows at once?" He laughed and quickly reached back, followed by a scream, as he lifted up his hands with arrows through them, then I ran up and pushed the arrows through the rock behind him. He was stuck.

"You little scum. You think I won't get out to kill you? I WILL FIND YOU. I KEEP MY PROMISES! I WILL-" his sentence was interrupted by Peter's arrow into his stomach. Blood went everywhere. I tackled him.

"What the hell man? There have already been two deaths! You want to be responsible for the third?" I yelled, stepping on his bow and breaking it. Peter was very angry with this.

"Me? Responsible? It was your idea to come on this damn quest! Don't you dare blame me for the events that occured! You are too young, too arrogant, too inexperienced. You think life is just about who gets the action, but you don't care about anyone else!" he yelled back. I looked him dead in the eye. The man in the back laughed, amused by the argument.

"Shut up!" I yelled to the man, but he kept laughing, so I pulled the arrow out of his quiver and picked up his bow. I pointed it at him.

"You've never used a bow before. I can tell. Peter is right. You are inexperienced," he said, laughing more. Rage filled me. I dropped the bow, took the arrow and stabbed it through his upper chest, where I guessed his heart was. Peter yelled, but I just froze, blood spilling on my hands. Then I ran away into the forest.

Peter found me hours later, sitting on a large stone in the forest. I wasn't in much mood to talk.

"I'm sorry for all those things I said. I know you didn't mean to kill him. It's gonna be okay, man," he said, calmly. I was hoping no more arguments would break out from here on out. There was a silence after that. I looked up in the stars. Dear mother, I thought, forgive the sins of your son. I didn't think she cared, since he was an evil man, but I was morally being destroyed, and I needed guidance. Finally, I broke the silence.

"Let's go find those weapons and finish what they started," I said. Peter didn't answer. We started to walk.

Our trip took us to various terrains. The sight was pretty barren except for rocks and a bunch of trees. After twilight had long passed, we found a hut that contained most of the crates that survived the crash. Among it, we found our newly appointed swords. Peter didn't look mad anymore about the sword situation anymore, but maybe he was.

In any case, it took a long time to carry the crates to the beach, and using excess wood to create boats.

"Hey, Peter?" I asked, in the middle of construction.

"What?" he asked, and he stopped bonding two planks together.

"How did you get on his side?" I asked.

"I pretended to be a Roman traitor, who was ordered to sabotage," he answered. At that moment, I heard ringing. I followed the sound to his source, and started digging in the sand. I found a cell phone, and it said 'Incoming Call: CJ'. CJ. Camp Jupiter. The ringing ended.

"What is that?" Peter asked at a distance. I hesitated, and then gave in.

"It's one of the boy's phones. Camp Jupiter is calling," I said. I looked at Peter. I knew he wanted me to answer, but I was worried having to be rescued by camp would show weakness.

"Brian. Hand me the phone," he said approaching me slowly. I wanted to toss that phone, and I was about to, but then I heard Peter drawing his sword. I gave him the phone, and he made the call. I wasn't happy with Peter, but it happened. Eventually, my anger towards Peter would build up to a climactic point, but I'll get to that.

It was a long trip home, but there's not much to say about it. When we got home, the new Praetor, Nero's replacement, greeted us.

"Well boys, the senate awaits!" he said.


Well, thanks for reading! VOTE + COMMENT! WOO!!! In two weeks comes a new chapter, I haven't thought of a title yet. Thanks for reading!

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