Chapter 6: A Funeral For Love

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The four years after that were filled with long training hours. Eventually I bested most of my comrades in swordplay and I was pretty damn disciplined. I learned how to be Roman and answer Roman-style. Peter had gone missing in the second year, which nearly killed me, but after four weeks of depression I got over it. Kind of.

I hate to start in media res. but those two years led me to this event and they weren't very eventful, so here it goes:

Running. I know I've said it many times, but I hate running. Yet, there I was, running in the middle of a house. Why? I'll get to that. I looked left and right, determining which path to take that would lead me out of the house fastest. I ran right, and ended up in a dead end. I turned around to run back, but there came the boy with his longsword. He had been following me around all day, one of the demigod assassins of the Titans. I reached for and arrow but my quiver was empty. My sword had been at camp.

He was only feet away when suddenly I heard a bowshot and the boy yelped. An arrow had gone through his thigh. Behind him came Sarah the absolutely beautiful, and she through him to the ground.

"Who sent you?" she demanded in a voice that even made me scared. He didn't answer, and Sarah pointed an arrow at him. He was nervous, but he shook his head, so Sarah aimed the bow down and fired. The boy screamed with pain as the arrow pierced his lower abdomen. I had gotten used to her rough ways over the years.

"You want another arrow there? Or maybe a knife?" she yelled.

"Please! I was sent by Lord Krios. Someone at your camp asked for this! Please let me go." he half spoke, half cried. Sarah pulled the arrow out which caused him so much more pain, then he got up, and started to limp away.

"Show Lord Krios the hole in your stomach. Never mess with Brian Holtz, you little scum," she said, which made me so happy I grabbed her and started kissing her. We made out for a good two minutes then we started to head out. Oh, I forgot to mention, we were dating and this was our anniversary so I took her out to town, which is where the assassin found us. Not an ideal anniversary.

So we walked through town, through the memories of the last five years. The happiest years of my life, my pathetic life. Oh how high she brought me from my days of wishing to leave camp. Now I never did. We arrived at an ice cream store, her favorite food. I happily got us mint which was both of our favorite flavors, then we sat down outside.

"You need a haircut Mr. Holtz," she said, poking fun at me. I laughed.

"I was thinking about dying it blonde and getting some other style. This spiky auburn hair is just getting old," I responded, and I finished my ice cream, but she was only half done.

"Whatever you do, I'm happy," she said with a smile, then frowned.

"Whats wrong?" I asked, frowning myself.

"Who is the traitor who gave you up to the assassin and why does he want you dead? Krios is a titan and not someone you want to be trying to get you dead, even if he isn't reformed," she said.

Before I could answer, a voice came behind me.

"Enjoying your date?" it asked, but the person was emitting so much light I couldn't see clearly. I pulled out the sword I took from the assassin and stood up to fight the person. I tried to stab but the sword stopped in mid air. They ran out of the shop, and I chased after. I heard Sarah running behind me shooting arrows, and they all kept shattering into pieces. I kept running, Sarah ahead of me, then the person turned around and the last arrow Sarah shot stopped in midair, and we couldn't move.

"So this is what it comes to? You know you can't beat me, Brian. You never could best me in anything. Do I have to kill you? Speak, boy," he said, and my mouth could suddenly move.

"If you were human you would know killing is bad. If you touch Sar-"

"You've killed before. Everyone knows that."

"Yes, but that was before my morals were in place. I-" My mouth froze again. We walked over and pulled out a blue and black sword that I could only recognize as the one Peter got in Egypt.

"Yes, Brian. It is I. Peter," he said, and the light cleared. Every emotion in my body pained. I didn't know what to think. Then the frozen arrow started to move. If I could speak I would curse in every language. If I could move I would spill Peter's blood all over the California streets. But I was frozen, and the arrow moved as he laughed. Then it pierced Sarah's chest.

"Hail Krios," he yelled, then the arrow pierced her stomach. He disappeared in black smoke and we unfroze. Sarah fell to the ground. I ran over to her body, crying.

"Brian.. You were the light of my life. Don't mourn. I will love you even in death," she said, and her eyes closed. I screamed her name, trying to bring her back, but nothing happened. Every light on the block turned on. I cried. I punched the cement under me until my arm bled.

I carried Sarah back to camp, all 5 miles, trying to make sense of what happened, but I couldn't fathom anything on the worst day of my life.

That night everyone gathered for Sarah's funeral. All her friends wept and gave speeches. I couldn't bring myself to talk about it. Afterward, everyone went to bed to sleep, but I didn't. I went to the armory of my cohort and grabbed my khopesh, and I headed outside of camp, while everyone whispered rumors, but I didn't care. I went to the street where Sarah bled out.

"Peter you coward! Come out and face me, and we will see who was really better," I yelled. My intent was to murder. A few seconds passed, then a light flashed and Peter appeared.

"You know, Mr. Holtz," Peter said mockingly, "When I went 'missing' I really went to the Titan quarters. Why? Because Titans are more powerful than the gods, and now with Krios' power all demigods will obey me! But, I'll give you a fair challenge, if it can be called a challenge," he yelled. I didn't answer I raised my khopesh and charged.

My blade met his blue black weapon. I let anger control me. He tried for a right slash, but I deflected. I swept and cut his legs. He looked surprised with my fighting, and I jabbed, but he deflected. Then he snapped his fingers and we teleported to the Coliseum. He thrower me to the ground and I rolled back. I throw a few slashes but only one landed and cut his stomach. He ran and climbed the stairs and I chased up.

He started running backward and shooting arrows. One landed in my gut. Pain would've been felt if not for the adrenaline through my anger. My khopesh turned into a bow and I shot some arrows at him, and then he disappeared and reappeared two floors above, at the top. I ran up the stairs and met him up there, and turned my khopesh back into a khopesh. The clashes vibrated to my body, and it was a very close fight, until I disarmed him and his sword flew backwards. Before he could run to get it, I hurled my sword at it and they both flew off.

He turned around and looked at me. He was bleeding from so many places, as was I. I pulled the arrow he shot into me out and he pulled his last one out of his quiver. I charged and stabbed my arrow through his arm, giving me a second to get his arrow out of his hand. I pulled the arrow out of his arm and stabbed them both into his shoulders. He fell on his knees and tried to will himself to teleport, but it wouldn't work. He looked at me, his eyes asking for mercy. I looked at him, and I kicked him as hard as I could to break his ribs, then I pushed him off the Coliseum. No one could survive that fall. I walked back down the structure and grabbed my sword, then walked to my cohort, when I heard a voice scold me from behind.


Yo, that was pretty awesome. After two weeks of writer's block I finally got it written anyway, don't forget to vote+comment, read 'Where the heck is Origins' for info on when the next chapter comes. Peace y'all :D

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