Chapter 8: Escape From Mount Othrys

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Pain. Pain is what I felt for the following days, which seemed like years within themselves. Everyday, I had no sleep. I just battled in the training room for days while Krios entered my mind ad gave me extra stature, which made me not feel hungry or tired. The first few days I was overwhelmed by the fighting, and got knocked down after a couple training monsters. But, after time, I could handle every single training monster there was. This kind of progress seemed impossible, but Krios made it happen. Every so often he would fight me personally, and it became easier and easier, but he was still using little to no effort. These days gave me scars beyond count.

It was the seventh day. I was in the training room, as usual, fighting off hoards with just my khopesh and a shield. A giant faced me in battle. It had black armor and a giant spiked club. All the other monsters circled around us, hoping to see me in defeat, but I didn't back down. The giant swung down, but I rolled to the side. The club's spike hit me ever so slightly in the side. I winced in pain, but I stood back up. The giant lifted his club, but I stabbed my sword into his arm. He stepped back in pain. I tried to pull my sword out, but it was stuck in his bicep.

He lifted his club, and I thought I was doomed. He need both arms to lift it this time, and he thrust down. I rolled back, and this time the club didn't hit me. I stood up and ran up his massive arms and in one quick motion, I pulled my sword out of his arm, willed it to change into a dagger, and stabbed it into the dome of his head. The blade came out of his mouth, and he started to fall. I pulled my sword out and jumped down, while the giant behind me fell slowly before bursting into dust. The monsters around me backed up after seeing that battle.

The onslaught would've continued had not Krios appeared in the door before the training room. I was in the middle of a fight with a cyclops. I then sheathed my sword and kneeled. All of the monsters backed up in fear.

"My lord, what matters bring you here?" I asked. I had mastered the art of acting evil.

"Come with me," he replied. I walked to the door and followed Krios as he led me up the stairs. As we walked I looked for anything interesting on the walls, but it was just blackness. A person could go mad just staying here in this depressing hell-hole. We walked up a couple floors and finally arrived in the throne room, but there was a table in the middle. He sat in his throne and I examined the table. It was a map of Camp Jupiter with markings.

"You've made serious progress in 7 days. You are finally strong enough to lead the armies without underestimations. We attack the camp in two weeks, once this whole matter is planned out," he laughed coldly which could've frozen my heart if exposed to it any longer. Then I realized it had been seven days and Athena had told me to escape on this day, which was harder than I had thought. All my worries were on the acting, but the escaping was no matter. I had no plan.

"Yes, my lord. Shall I go train more?" I asked, hoping for a no.

"Negative, get some rest. Tomorrow you train more," he answered, and I mentally fist pumped. I went down the stairs of depression. Then, when at the bottom, instead of going to rest, I looked through every door to plan an escape. The first door was an armory. I realized I had no armor, so I went in and looked for human armor. I found a set and I put it on. Then I went back in the hall and tried the second door. Locked. I kicked it down swiftly and walked in. There was a cage, and in that cage was a girl that was directly looking at me, astonished to see someone else probably.

"Who the hell are you?" she asked. Ignoring her question, I asked:

"Can you help me get out of this mountain?"

"Maybe I could, but seeing as I'm in a cage-" She stopped mid sentence as I broke her lock with my sword. She smiled and tried to get up, but she probably hadn't moved for days. I helped her stand in front of the cage. She was about my height, and she had long blonde hair. She was dirty. All her exposed skin was covered in dirt and ash.

"How are you roaming around freely? Did you manage to free yourself from Lord Krios?" she prompted, curiously. I led her out the door.

"It's a long story. I'm actually Krios' right-hand man, but only as an act. If you help me out, I'll bring you back to my camp," I answered. She was about to ask another question, but I shushed her because I heard voices. She motioned for me to follow her, and we snuck down the hallway.

It was like the labyrinth, but somehow she guided me without a seconds delay. We went right, then left, then down some staircases,and continued in that way.

"How do you know this place so well?" I whispered to her.

"My father designed it. Well, he was tricked into designing it," she whispered back and led on.

"Your father? He designed this whole place? Who was he?" I asked, then realized my voice was too loud and a light went on, which is how you knew something was wrong, because this whole place was dark. We started to rush and a lot more than just one light went on. Voices followed us, and we gave up sneaking and we full on sprinted. She was faster than me, but adrenaline helped me keep up. I followed her, until we reached a spiral staircase. It was blocked by Krios and a four guards. The girl looked back at me in dismay.

"You could've been a lord of armies! You were doing so well!" Krios yelled, furiously. I held my hand on my sword hilt behind me. I was at a loss for words. Krios drew Peter's blue-black sword that Peter got from Egypt. I drew my khopesh. I looked at the girl.

"Go! If I don't meet you at the bottom in a short time, run and escape," I yelled and took her through Krios' guards and to the spiral staircase. Before running, she looked in my eyes and kissed me.

"Survive this, and I will never leave your side," she said, before running down the spiral staircase. I turned back to Krios. He laughed coldly.

"Sarah is so easily forsaken? I expected more from you, Holtz," he said, sharpening his blade. My anger rose.

"Yes. Because there was a girl. A girl I loved. But she's dead, at the hands of you. You know means for you?" I charged, letting rage be my motivation. I met his blade hard on the first strike, then went for a jab which bounced off of his armor. He swung at me, but I backed up. He laughed and ordered his guards on me. The first took my short ranged sword to his advantage with his longword, so I changed to a spear and speared him between his shoulders. I then got hit from behind, but I had no pause. I swung like mad and before I knew it all the guards were dead. I then stared Krios down. He took the sword and jabbed at me. His sword almost pierced fully through my armor, but I hit his sword down with my sword, which I changed into the one Krios was wielding. The sword cut me right above the naval. This time I felt the pain, but I staggered on. I swung my sword at his head, but he ducked. My sword slashed the rams horns off his helmet. He took of the helmet and threw it.

"Now you know who you're fighting. You're fighting the stars!" he cried. Behind his mask his face was glowing with extreme light. I was blinded. He took my khopesh and stabbed at me, and I turned. He stabbed me square in the shoulder. The pain overtook me. I ran down the stairs with the last strength I had, but I was kicked from behind and I tumbled down. As I fell down and broke so many bones, I prayed to my mother. I stood up, Krios upon me and limped the rest of the way down the stairs, until I got to the exit and got to a layer of snow, where the girl was waiting. I ran to her and collapsed. Krios was walked towards us and laughing. I knew defeat was upon us.

Then I heard the wings. I looked up, and giant eagles were landing upon us. Krios raged, and started charging at us, but it was too late. I felt the talons around me. I was finally home bound.

Hello there. Brian Holtz: Origins is more than halfway done! Thank you for the support on each chapter (even though I forgot to post last Sunday)! VOTE+COMMENT to support this story. See you next Sunday (hopefully)

-Not based on CHB
-A fantasy story
- Kingdoms
-more information next week

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