Chapter 4: No Place Like Rome

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        As I awaited the Senate with Peter in the middle of the Senate House in a table. I had a moment to look in the big fancy mirror on the wall of the room. I realized what the trip had cost me. My red hair was partly burnt, and completely messed up. My face was scratched up very badly. Peter had gone through similair transformations. His brown hair had also been charred, and he had a big scratch next to his right eye.

        After hours of waiting, the doors opened, and Peter looked up with me. In came the Senate. They wore perfect camp outfits, and they looked like they meant bussiness.There were six of them, and they all sat in chairs on the little stage in front of the mirror. The one in the middle was the oldest. He had a buzz cut, and he looked like your stereotypical army general. They all set up their things, and I looked behind me to see the huge crowd behind me. Within it I saw Sarah and she didn't look very happy. Then someone started talking so I turned around.

        "The Senate is now in session. Romans, these two boys have come home from a quest, mind you they are eleven year olds. The rescue team informed me that the boys reported an attack on their chariot ehich resulted in the death of two older boys: Carl Martinez and Raleigh Troupe. The weapons salvaged from the island they were stranded on was a good amount, so the quest can be deemed as a success. The motion for execution is thereby rejected, but as the Senate has agreed, I hearby sentence you two, Brian Holtz and Peter Marco, to further discipline training. The Senate withdraws," the army guy said. The Senators nodded and stood up and left. The fact that execution was ever considered worried me.

        I stood up with Peter and we walked out of the Senate house. I walked up to Sarah, expecting a warm greeting, but she punched me in the face. She was stronger and older than me, so it was no surprise I was knocked to the ground. I looked up at her as she stood over me, her dark hair blowing in the draft.

        "You leave home, promising you'll be fine. You come home with scars all over you. What's more: my cousin dies on the quest. You should have saved him!" she cried. I never knew that they were cousins. Maybe that's a reason why she was so upset with me going. I opened my mouth to tell her that there was nothing I could do, and that I'm scarred but alive, but I decided I talked way too much and it was going to get me punched again, so I retired back to the ground and she walked away.

        I felt the consequences of my actions, but I at that time in my life I didn't understand death and loss and how much pain it caused until just after that. Because of this, I was mostly concerned about the pain I was in. Peter helped me up, and I tried to man up, but it was reallt hard to walk, and Sarah had reopened several cuts on my face. 

        First I took a bath. I didn't realize how filthy I was until then. Afterward, I felt refreshed, so I went to eat dinner. It felt so good to have real food again. I saw Sarah there, but I avoided her at all costs. Then, finally, after I visted my bed and layed down. Then, all the horrific events I witnessed hit me. Up until that point I had been trying really hard not to think about them, but they all just hit me like a bomb, and I cried. I remembered killing a man, all because he angered me. The deaths of the boys finally hit me, but I was sad mostly because Sarah was. She was such a good friend, and I hadn't realized how I hurt her. Now she hurt me. Karma I guess. Finally, I fell asleep.  

        I woke up early in the night to a glowing light. I almost went to sleep, but I was curious, so I walked over to it. I opened the door, and there was a figure of a woman. Then I realized it the same woman as in the pictures, the one I had never seen before. You know, my mother, Minerva or Athena, or whatever you call her. She spoke:


        "Brutus? My name is Brian," I said, angry at a mother who had never been there for me. 

        " 'Tis a shame you do not recognize the honor of who I named you after, but your father disagreed," she said, reflecting on the past. 

        "You know what happened before the memory loss, then? Wow, I'm surprised," I said, bitterly. She nodded, and waved her hand over my head.

        I was in a fast fowarded memory I was standing over little Brian in his crib at night. It felt like deja vu, inside that house. A man that must have been my father walked up to the crib, tucked Brian in, then went to his room, when the wall to his room was knocked down by a huge hydra. My father was vaporized, and then the Hydra was taken down by a pack of wolves. The wolf pack took me in and raised me as one of their own. I was starting my first day of Camp Jupiter, but at the gates, a cyclops attakced me.

        "So you left him too, huh? You could've saved him, but instead you were busy doing what exactly?" I asked, angrily. She looked a me, sad.

        "Gods cannot interfere with their childrens lives like that. You wouldn't understand. You just need time, it will show you the truth. But for now, you must undertand that one you call close is in danger at this very moment," she said. I heard a scream in the distance. Sarah, I thought. I ran.


I only had like a day to write this, hope you enjoyed! Definetly some action coming up. Any suggestions appreciated dearly. Again hope this one wasn't too poorly written, but next week I will post on Sunday and it will be awesome. Vote+Comment, please! Thanks for riding BrianHoltz Airlines, cya next week :D


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