Chapter thirty

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Hey guys! Should I make more than one book of this or should it just be like a never ending saga in one book?

please comment what you think because it'd be super helpful!


Tangletuft made her way out of the medicine cat den and began creeping around the edges of the camp, waiting for a cat to talk to her.

And she waited.

And waited.

It came to a point where she let out a deep and long sigh and turned on her heels, examining the cats she could talk to.

Silverblaze and Rustlestep purred near the nursery with their four healthy kits. The four jumped and play fought as a gentle butterfly flew overhead, making them all distracted by the flying creature.

Alone and close to the exit of camp was Sorrelfall and Heatherfang, the two best friends purred as they battled with each other, playfully pawing each other and laughing like apprentices. The two made her happy for a moment.

Just near the family of Silverblaze and Rustlestep was a large group of warriors, including the leader and deputy. They began speaking in hushed voices, but it slowly got louder and eventually, all the cats were screaming.

And as Silverblaze led her kits into the nursery, Sorrelfall and Heatherfang stopped play fighting, and Rustlestep joined the large group, Tangletuft followed the senior warrior, and popped her head into the conversation.

"What do you mean Smoketail isn't related?"

"She's pure WindClan!"

"Don't lie to me you stupid loner!"


Tangletuft tilted her head before slithering her way closer towards the middle of the circle. Once she could see she stared ahead, and a unrecognizable cat stood before her.
The cat was a she-cat with smokey fur just as Smoketail did. For the first few heartbeats, Tangletuft had thought it was Smoketail, until the horrible reek of loner filled her nostrils.

The Clan erupted in meows, and then hisses. They all stared at Smoketail, then at the loner, and back again.

But after what seemed like forever of that, Graystar pushed his way through the crowd with his broad shoulders and pounced onto TallRock, peering down at his Clan.

"All cats old enough to catch prey join here beneath TallRock for a Clan meeting!" He announced and ever so slowly, the cats broke apart and faced their leader, the loner at the back was shaking and her eyes opened wide.

Tangletuft motioned her eyes to the leader as he began speaking "This loner has come to WindClan camp to speak about Smoketail, a brave and intelligent warrior of our Clan. What is it you have to say?"

All eyes turned towards the loner. At first her paws were shaking but after a few heartbeats, she was standing tall, with her tail fur puffed out and her eyes glimmering their amber colour "My name is Whisper. I am here to reclaim my daughter; Smoketail."

All the cats gasped in the clearing before turning towards the young warrior, who sat beside her brother Snowblaze and was shrinking in her own smokey gray fur.


omg guys this is terribly short but I wanted a cliffhanger soo yeah XD enjoy

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