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All of my classes were very, eventful. Bringing a newborn to class wasn't my smartest choice, the whole time she would fuss. Or someone would walk up to as and coo at her. It was a disaster.

Dinner finally came, I couldn't be more happy. I found a seat next to Fred and George. I sat down with Aurora in my arms. "How was class?" George asked.

"Awful. She distracted everyone." I sighed taking a bite of food. Then Draco walked up to me.

"I need to talk to you, in private please."

I got up and followed Draco out of the great hall. "How's my little girl?" Draco asked taking her out of my hands.

"I missed her all day." He cooed at her while bouncing her. "Is that really why you took me out of the great hall?"

He nodded and kept bouncing her. Draco was honestly a great dad, he absolutely adored her. It made my heart swell with love and happiness.

"Do you mind if I take her to the Slytherin table?" Draco asked.

"I don't mind, but she'll be getting hungry in a bit."

He smiled and walked off with Aurora. I walked back over to Fred and George.

"Where's Aurora?" Fred asked in a panicky tone. I laughed a bit, "She's with Draco."

"Oh okay good."

Fred was protective over Aurora, it was like he was her dad too. Aurora was lucky to have such a lovely family.

"Lily, meet me by the black lake tonight." Fred said smiling. "Okay, but for what?"

"It's a surprise."

After dinner I put Aurora to sleep, then I got dressed to meet Fred.

(Lilith's outfit)

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(Lilith's outfit)

I told Madam Pomfrey to look after Aurora while I was gone, then I left for the lake.

As soon as I got close, I seen fairy lights and Fred, he looked nervous, but very handsome.

I smiled as I got closer. He had a single yellow rose in his hand. "You look lovely." He said handing me the rose.

We stood there awkwardly for a moment until Fred broke the silence. "Lily, you know I love you so much. You and Aurora mean the world to me."

He paused for a moment to take a deep breath, then he got down on one knee. I gasped and put my hand on my mouth.

"Lily, I know we're way to young for this, but I know I really want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you Lilith Potter marry me?"

I felt tears in my eyes as I nodded my head. Fred took my left hand and placed a beautiful ring on my finger. I then wrapped my arms around his and kissed him.

"I love you Freddie."

"I love you too Lily."

It's been about two months since Fred purposed to me, I couldn't be happier.

Aurora was getting bigger, she was sitting up, and she was laughing and smiling.

Life was honestly close to perfect.

"Look at this Aurora." Fred said holding up the dog plushy he bought ages ago. Aurora smiled at Fred and snatched the dog from him. She started chewing on it.

"Look at her." Fred said laughing. I smiled at her, "She's so sweet."

Then Draco burst in. "Where's my little girl." Draco said walking up to her and picking her up.

"Did you miss dada? Huh did you miss me?" He asked spinning her around and pinching her cheeks. She started laughing at him.

"It looks like dada missed you, huh Aurora?" I said laughing.

"I can't help it I missed my little girl."

Honestly things couldn't get better, everything was so perfect. I couldn't be more happy.


A/n: I know their wayyyy to young, but i feel like they wouldn't really care, and i don't really care 😂

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