T W E N T Y- O N E

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Things aren't going too good at Hogwarts, Voldemort is supposedly back. Things aren't looking too good, Dumbledore is dead. The school is just changing, and not for the better.

But on a good note we get to find out the gender of our baby. We went to a muggle doctor, so we aparated to the hospital, and waited on the doctor.

"Mrs Weasley?" The doctor said and we both walked back. "So we're here for a check up? And the gender of the baby?" The doctor asked and I nodded.

I laid down, and he put some gel stuff on my stomach and pressed onto with a wand. On the screen was our baby. I could hear the heartbeat and see them. Fred held onto my hand and watched.

"Congratulations, it's a boy." The doctor said cleaning off my stomach.

I smiled at Fred and he smiled at me. "We're going to have a little you running around." I said laughing.

The doctor printed off some pictures, and they were going straight on the fridge.

We made it back home and told everyone, Aurora was happy of course and everyone else was too. I couldn't wait to meet my little boy.

"Lily, we have to go back to Hogwarts to help battle." Fred said holding on to me. "Why can't I go? I want to help too." I said with tears in my eyes.

"No you have to keep Aurora and the baby safe." Fred said.

I started crying, "Be safe. I love you okay?"

"I love you too." He said kissing me one last time before he left. Then he aparated away.

It felt like they had been gone for ages, I was nervous for what was going to happen. My whole family was there fighting again Voldemort and the death eaters, while I was stuck here not know what was going on.

I tried to keep my mind busy, I played with Aurora and cooked dinner. But I couldn't help but think of Fred. I didn't want anything bad to happen.

George's POV:

The battle was over, but we lost the most important person. We lost Fred. We were all crying, we were all torn up. How was Lily going to react. It was hard to believe he's actually gone.

Lily's POV:

George aparated back, but without Fred. "George, where's Fred?" I asked with tears in my eyes. He gave me a sad look, "Lily, he's- he's gone." George said crying.

Tears came streaming down my face. "I knew I should've went." I said hugging George. "No, I'm glad you didn't go. Because what if that was you?" George asked messing with my hair.

My heart was shattered. I couldn't imagine a life without my Fred.

"George? What do we do now?" I asked looking up to him. He shrugged, "We go one with our life's, he would want that."

I couldn't help but ball my eyes out. I didn't want to believe what was going on.

I heard a knock on the door. I went to open the door, and there stood Draco. As soon as I opened the door he engulfed me with a hug.

"I'm sorry Lily, it's all my fault." He said crying. I started crying too, "No no it's not." I said holding onto him tighter.

"It is, I was the one that let the death eaters in. I let them do that." He said crying even harder.

"No no Draco. Don't blame yourself."

We stood there crying on each other for awhile.

"Is Aurora okay?" Draco asked. I nodded, "She's fine. She's sleeping."

He walked into her room to see her, she looked so peaceful, and she had no clue her 'Dada' was gone.

"I know you're pregnant, how's the baby?" Draco asked. "Good, we're having a little boy." I said giving a fake smile.

"I'm so sorry." Draco said giving me another hug.

My heart was broken, my Freddie was gone, and he would never meet his son, or watch Aurora grow up. We couldn't grow old together like we wanted, it felt like my life was ruined.


A/n: PLOT TWIST. I'm totally not crying, you are. I was dreading writing that, honestly at first I was going to and like make them break up or something, but this is a better plot twist.

I'm so sorry for all of you Fred lovers. Here's a tribute to Fred:

 Here's a tribute to Fred:

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I'm so sorry i love you fred 😭😭😭

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I'm so sorry i love you fred 😭😭😭

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