T W E N T Y- T H R E E

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Today I finally got to bring Tobin home. I couldn't be more happy to have my baby with me. He was still so small, but he was the cutest thing.

Once I got home Draco helped me out a lot, he would always help take care of Aurora, but he would also help with Tobin. He decided to stay with me until I was better enough to take care of the children myself. All of the Weasleys came over constantly of course. They all absolutely adored Tobin.

But George, George really took a liking to Tobin. He treated Tobin like his own. Maybe it was because Tobin looked a lot like Fred, or maybe it was because he felt bad. But George came over the most.

"Okay Aurora do you want to hold your little brother?" I asked and aurora quickly nodded. I handed Aurora a boppy pillow so she could hold him easily, then I handed her Tobin, but I helped support his head.

"Baby Tobin." She said giving him a kiss. I smiled at her.

"Do you like your new brother?" Draco asked bending down next to me. She quickly nodded, "I love baby Tobin." She smiled.

The day went on and we played with Aurora and loved on Tobin. I was happy for once, like really happy. Draco was making me happy again.

Months have gone by, almost a year since Tobin has been born. The shop is opened again, Aurora is now Two. Everything is going good. Me and Draco have gotten closer. We moved in together, just so he could help out with the kids, but I think I've caught actual feelings for him.

I know it's probably 'Too soon' but there's something about Draco. And it's been almost over a year since we lost Fred. I don't even wear my wedding band anymore, just because it had too many memories tied to it.

Me and Draco was sitting watching the babies play. They always got along so well. I laid my head on his chest. "Don't you just adore them?" I asked smiling. Draco placed his arm around me, "Their both so perfect."

Tobin is a year old today. We didn't really have a big birthday, but it was just Draco, George and I.

We got cake and presents, and that pretty much wrapped up his birthday.

After George left it was just me and Draco, both of the babies were asleep.

I sat down on the couch next to him. I laid my head on his shoulder. "Remember the Slytherin party?" Draco chuckled a bit.

"I do, it was fun. I wish I was young again."

I looked up to Draco who had a smile on his face. His face came closer to me, then our lips met. It brought back so many memories, from the night of the party. His kiss was gentle unlike last time.

He pulled away and looked at me, "Are you sure your okay with me kissing you?"

I nodded, "I'm completely fine." I said smiling.

Everything happened so quickly, me and Draco are officially together. It's been awhile since everything has happened. I still go to see the Weasleys. And they still come over. My family visits often too.

But me and Draco have some news. We're going to get married! We've been planning it, and hopefully we'll get married soon. I feel like my life is slowly coming back together.

And I'm happy with my little family.

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