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A black car pulled up and a certain fedora wearing man stepped out.  He stared at the orphanage for a minute, and then strode up to the peeling front door and knocked.

An older woman answered the door, and she smiled warmly at the sight of him. He nodded respectfully at her.

"Raymond, Raymond come in." She said. He stepped inside.

"Your daughter is quite the handful, the little terror." The woman joked. Raymond cracked a smile.

"May I see her?" He asked. The women smiled and gestured to the yard. The man stepped out into the backyard and sat down on the step.

The children were playing soccer, and he automatically singled out his daughter from the bunch. She was a commanding, no nonsense child much like her father.

One of the boys noticed him and started whispering to the others. The man's daughter quickly shushed them and then looked at him.

"Daddy!" She said in joy as she ran to him. He smiled and embraced her.

"Hello Emma."

The Blacklister's secret (A The blacklist fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now