Lies, Cries, and Trying times part 1

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*Reddindton's P.O.V.*

Mr. Reddington." A voice says. I look up and see a doctor.

I stand up.

"You can see her now." The doctor says.

I help Matilda up, and we follow the doctor to Emma's room.

"She is still unconscious, but you can see her." The doctor says, holding the door open for us.

I walk in and see Emma on her bed. She is in a new gown, and has a heart monitor hooked up to her. She looks so peaceful, just lying there.

I sink to my knees next to her.

-------- Flash back-------

"Emma, I promise you I will protect you." I say to my little girl.

"Ok Daddy." She giggled.

I tucked the blanket up under her chin.

"I mean it Emma. I will never let anyone hurt you." I say. Then I kiss her nose and turn off her lamp.

I stand up and walk to the door.

"Daddy?" Emma asks.

"What is it darling?" I ask her.

"I believe you." She says. I smile at her and gently close the door behind me.

-----End of Flashback-----

I feel tears pouring down my face.

"I failed you my darling, I made you believe I would protect you." I say.

Matilda lays a hand on my shoulder, and then the heart monitor starts going crazy.

I shout for a doctor. Doctors rush in and start giving her shots of stuff, then they whisk her away.

My Emma.

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