Girls just wanna have fun, but we have to save the day instead. part one

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"She is paralysed from the waist down but other than that she should get around fine." The doctor says to me.

I look at Emma, she looks so helpless sitting in her wheelchair, the same way Red looked every time we sat here waiting, watching.

What will he say when he discovers that his daughter is awake?

I sign the discharge papers and wheel Emma to my car.

"Thank you, Agent Keen, for everything." She says as I start the ignition.

"I'm just glad you are alive." I sigh.

"Can you drop me off at the orphanage?" She asks.

I make a u-turn and head towards the orphanage Red was at.

"Thank you." She says again.

We ride in silence.


My eyes watch the grass and fields roll past the window, but my brain wanders elsewhere.

Will Daddy still love me? Even though I can't walk? Will he still visit me? Will he be ok?

Agent Keen lays a hand on my shoulder.

"Hush little Reddington, your father loves you very much, and nothing will ever change that, and he will be ok, he's always ok." She says, reading my mind.

I nod at her and go back to watching the landscape.

We pull up at the orphanage, and as soon as Agent Keen steps out of the car, a boy sprints to her.

"How is Emma?" He asks.

Wait, that's, that's Edmund.

"Edmund, Edmund give me a moment please!" Agent Keen laughs.

"Emma has a surprise for you." She continues once Ed has quieted.

"Turn around, and shut your eyes." Agent Keen says to him.

Edmund does as she asks, and then Agent Keen silently helps me back into my wheelchair.

I wheel up behind Edmund and tap his back, since from my position I cannot reach his shoulder.

He turns around expectantly, but goes slack jawed when he sees me.

"Emma!" He yells.

"Hi Edmund." I say.

He hugs me, and I hug him back.

Agent Keen makes a makeshift ramp and wheels me into the orphanage.

Ms. Hickory smiles at Agent Keen, and then starts crying when she sees me.

Everybody looks so different, but what would you expect to see if if you have been in a coma for seven months?

I am swamped with my friends and their hugs, some crying like Ms. Hickory.

After all of that, and after we all eat a delicious dinner, I wheel over to Edmund.

"Edmund, are you ready to have a reason to be called my P.I.C.?" I ask him, being dead serious.

He grins.

"For you Emma, anything." He says.

"Good, because I am going to need your help." I tell him.

We ask Agent Keen to drive us to her headquarters, and once we get inside, Edmund and I share a look of pure determination.

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