Massive Time Skip

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"Emma come on, we're going to be late." Edmund shouts, thundering up the stairs.

"Ed, I don't want to go to Agent Keen's funeral." I say, my voice wavering and shaking.

"Emma, What about Tom and Agnes? We have to go for them." He says, striding into my room.

"What about him?" I ask.

"Emma, I'll murder him for you if it means you'll go." Ed begs.

"Fine." I sigh, letting him help me get dressed and get downstairs.

"Hey kids." Tom greets us as we buckle up.

"Hi Tom." We answer in unison.

Agnes starts blowing raspberries and I lean over her car seat.

"Hey there Agnes, how's it hangin?" I ask her.

She just smiles and giggles.

"Do you know what her name is, Em?" Tom asks, glancing at me in the rearview mirror.

"Agnes Elizabeth Keen?" I guess.

"Close, but no." He says smiling a sad smile, "it's Agnes Emma Keen."

I stare at him wide eyed.

"No way." I say.

"Liz picked it out." He confesses.

I feel tears come to my eyes as I look back to the little girl beside me.

"We have arrived." Tom sighs defeated my, turning off the engine.

We just sit motionless for a while, a silence hanging over us.

"We better go." He sighs again, opening his door.

Ed helps me out and Tom passes him my wheelchair. I plop down and hoist my feet into the stands, tightening the straps to hold my legs in place.

"Here Emma, you hold Agnes." Tom says, passing me his daughter.

I take the precious child from him and cradle her close to me.

The four of us slowly make our way to her plot, her mahogany coffin lying sealed atop the system used to lower it into the grave.

"Tom, how's Agnes doing?" A familiar, haunting voice asks.

I flinch and Edmund lays a hand on my shoulder.

"She's doing fine, Red." Tom replies.

"Can I see her?" The other man asks.

"Edmund? Is that you?" He interrupts himself.

"Yeah." Edmund responds.

"Wait..." the man trails off.

I sigh and pop a wheelie to spin myself around.

"Here's your daughter, Tom." I say gently, passing her to him.

Red just looks at me.

The Blacklister's secret (A The blacklist fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now