split and switch

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*Red's P.O.V*

"She's gone." Edmund says.

"Edmund get the children inside, tell Matilda to come out here, and take charge of everyone." I tell him.

Edmund herds the children inside and Matilda rushes out the door.

"Raymond, you'll find her. She's going to be ok." She whispers in my ear.

I nod and then drag Lizzy to her car.

"Where are we going Red?" Lizzy asks as she starts the ignition.

"We are going back to your headquarters." I say.

She drives in silence.

We pull up and climb out of the car.

"What is it Keen?" Harold asks.

"A girl was abducted from an orphanage." Lizzy says.

"And we should be involved because?" Harold says.

Lizzy looks at me for an answer.

"Because that girl holds information that could cause the United States government to collapse." I say.

Both of them look at me, astounded.

"Her name is Emma Pizzaro, occupant of Mrs. Hickory's orphanage, she was taken from the property at precisely....." I look at my watch. "9:02 a.m. this morning, other orphans can testify as eyewitnesses to the event." I explain.

Ressler trips over himself as he runs to agent Mojtabai, an Indian man with a gift for anything dealing with computers.

Harold stares at me, I glare at him.

"You want her saved. Why?" He asks.

"Because, Harold." I say.

"Everyone stop!" Harold commands.

The office falls silent.

"You will not resume until Mr. Reddington tells us why he is so keen on saving this girl." Harold says, smirking.


"Why, Reddington. Why save this girl, what importance does she serve to you?" Harold asks.

"Because some idiot chose to mess with MY FAMILY!" I say, shouting the last part.

"Family?" Harold asks.


Lizzy lays a hand on my arm, I look at her and she has tears in her eyes. She shakes her head.

"Resume your activities." Harold says, smirking at me in victory.

I glare at him.

*Emma's P.O.V*

The man is watching me. I can feel his eyes on me.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Smart girl.... My boss would pay a pretty price to have the daughter of Raymond Reddington." The man says.

"What's your name?" I ask him.

"You can call me Kip." He says.

"Kip, my name is Emma." I say, thinking rapidly about how to get out of here.

The man, Kip, finally walks into my line if sight. He is an averaged height man, dirty and covered with blood and grime. He is missing two fingers on his right hand, and has a tattoo of a little girl on his arm.

The Blacklister's secret (A The blacklist fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now