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After a well-deserved nap, Percy got Onyx up snd ready for the announcements at the arena. Onyx wasn't too happy about having to get up. She was tired and needed to take a nap but she still let her brother drag her body to the arena and to a place to sit.

"Demigods and families, it is truly wonderful to have you all here. We thank you for coming out for this. Now, I am Chiron, the activities director here. After two wars and endless quests, we shall be holding a celebration here later! One for children and one-" Chiron stopped talking when a black portal opened in front of him. Onyx snd Bianca were both alert until a man dressed in an all black suit. Onyx ran down and pulled out her sword, turning it into her sickle.

"Ah, if I knew you would be here I wouldn't have worn my nice suit, niece." The man spoke, spitting out the word niece like it offended him, and blocked the attack from Onyx.

"Yeah? Scared to get your bood on it uncle End?" Onyx asked.

"Would hate to get your blood on it then wear it to your funeral, your father would not appreciate that very much now." End spoke and waved his hand om a dismissive manner, sending Onyx flying back and causing her to drag her body across the floor. Onyx stood back up, silver blood dripping from her nose. She wiped the blood away using the back of her hand.

"So rude uncle." Onyx said and turned her sickle into a xiphos. "You have no reason to be so very rude to me." Onyx ran at him and slashed at his arms, creating a shield out of the air and blocking the hit he sent to her left side.

"You are truely annoying, dear niece. Let me do as I came to do. That seashell will make an excellent bride." End said. That made Onyx see red. Using some power, she kicked End back with all her might. End tumbled back and fell back, a shockwave shaking the arena.

"You sicken me." Onyx said and her body began to glow a bit, holding back her true divinity. End scoffed and he got up. "Touch him and I'll personally drag you down to my brother's domain for the rest of your eternity."

"Do I now?" End asked and he glared. Onyx snarled as the galaxies in her eyes swirled around, anger rising."I will get him to be mine, Onyx." He said and he flung his hand. Onyx shot back and impaled herself with her own sword, her sword piercing through her stomach. Sally gasped and covered her mouth, worried about her daughter.

"Fuck you." Onyx said and she stood up, taking the sword out of her stomach and people saw the silver blood stain it. The blood had little flecks of red in it, showing her old mortality was still there. The primordial girl was not mortal anymore, not after earning her place at her father and siblings side to be able to become a primordial.

Percy got up and rushed down, wanting to help his sister. Bianca got up and shot at End, shooting an arrow in the leg of the primordial man. End looked down at the wound in his leg.

"I will get him, he will be my bride. You will fail Onyx Jackson. I will harm you more than you can immagine then throw you in the void. Where your father put me." End said before he disappeared. Onyx stood there and then she straightened her back a bit, wiping the blood away from her nose. She held her hand over her stomach, the wound bleeding heavily. She disappeared without a word.

"Onyx!" Bianca shouted and stood up but it was useless. Percy looked at the silver blood staining his hands and turned to look at Zeus. He got to his sister and grabbed her but she left before he could help her then anything.

"Who was that?" Percy asked. Zeus looked at Percy, his face pale.

"End. Brother to the creator." Zeus said. "He wants someone to be his bride. Chiron, back to the announcements." Zeus left with the other gods so they could talk.

Percy Jackson's older sisterWhere stories live. Discover now