One Shot #1 + An A/N

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Hey everyone, Dio here. I have started college recently and wont be able to update these stories like I normally do until sometime around mid-December. So instead of leaving you all waiting, I will update them with one shots that connect to the universe I am building. No spoilers though. Just random little looks into the lives of these characters. I will let you know that when I will be leaving for college again after my winter break. - Dio

Now, one to the first one shot!

One shot #1: Five times Onyx impacted Percy's life + One time Percy impacted her

#1: Broken Vases

Percy wasn't normally a bad kid. Sure he was a little mouthy and could sometimes do without thinking everything through completely.

But this was taking the cake. Percy had broken Gabes vase that his mother had left him. Percy panicked. Gabe was at work and so was Sally. So what on earth was he going to do?

"Bubby?" A voice drifted through the quiet apartment. Percy looked up, his cheeks red and his eyes burning from the unshed tears. He got up and scrambled to the front door that an older girl was opening. "Bubby, what are you crying for?" The girl crouched down, her hair tied back with a ribbon that has stars dangling from it.

"I broke it! Gabe is going to kill me Ony!" Percy cried and sniffled. Onyx picked up the little boy, cradling.

"Oh, his ugly vase?" Onyx cooed and carried Percy over to the mess. She looked down at it. "Oh well this is a pickle isn't it. A broken vase." She hummed and she put Percy down. "You go to your nap, hoku wai. I'll take care of it."

Percy nodded and ran off to bed. Onyx sighed and she looked down at the vase. She scooped up the shards. her hands and arms glowed with the light of the stars. She fixed the vase and she put it bad and she shook her head. "Such an ugly fucking vase." she shook her head and headed off to the bedroom she shared with Percy.

#2: Nosy gods

Persephone hadn't wanted to believe her husband when he said that Poseidon had a son. She knew how angry he would be about that. So she watched the boy, a boy no older then 8, playing in the park with a friend of his.

"So, you going to say hello or just keep staring like some pedophile?" A voice broke Persephone out of her thoughts. Persephone turned around and saw a girl, no older then 12(but no younger then 10), standing there with a sword hooked to her waist. She was in a traditional peplos that was the color of galaxies.

"Who...Who are you?" Persephone asked and crossed her arms.

"Onyx Jackson. Thats my brother and no I'm not Poseidon's kid. Different dads." the girl, Onyx, said. "Tell your husband that Percy poses no threat. and if anyone sends any creature after my brother, I will crush this earth and kill everyone on it." She waved her hand over her clothes and they changed to a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. "Have a nice spring and summer Persephone." and with that, Onyx went to play on the playground with her brother.

#3: Dreamland.

Percy hated sleeping on the ground but he couldn't complain. He snuck away on this quest to save Annabeth. He couldn't complain.

Sleep came easy, well as easy as it could when sleeping on the cold ground.

"when I said I hope you have a nice winter break, this is far from what I meant." Percy heard a voice as he opened his eyes. He was floating in a black void, rocks flying past him. He looked to his right and saw his sister Onyx, floating right above a rock. Percy stood on a rock and let it bring him to his sister. He hugged her tightly.

"You know I cant keep myself out of trouble now." Percy said and he smiled at her.

"Eres un chico muy especial. No puedes evitar meterte en problemas, ¿Verdad?" Onyx said and she sighed. "I told you I cant watch over you this quest. I have things to worry about and as much as I love you, I cant stop to watch you."

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