🏳️‍🌈Secret Identity🏳️‍🌈

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Pairing - Loki Laufeyson x bisexual Reader

Warnings - this is a one shot in honor of Pride Month so if you're uncomfortable or do not agree with that feel free to skip this one, angst

Summary - Loki questions why you won't date him (cause it's obvious you like him my gosh Y/n, can't get a secret) but soon finds out why

I decided I should do a few imagines in honor of Pride Month! I don't know how many I'll do, but I do need some ideas for any of my imagine books (Tom Holland, Hiddleston, Loki or Draco) so feel free to private message me!! Any requests for Pride Month will be priority! As long as they are sent before JULY 1ST they will come out before other requests. You can continue to send LGBTQIA+ requests though. Again, I'm straight (i think) so I don't know a lot about being gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, or trans, so if you send a request, be ready for some questions just so I can make it as perfect and respectable as possible!!

I also thought since Loki is now out as queer and bisexual, it'd be great to add in those aspects to his character!! Also, I love that picture so much above, my little baby looks so happy.

Okay onto the story!

Also very sorry if I make an overly LGBTQ+ character, again, I only have information from what I read online and watch from tiktok

Songs used:

Girls/Girls/Boys - Panic at the Disco!

Girls - girl in red

Also Everyone is Gay by A Great Big World is amazing, and includes gay, lesbian, bisexual and straight sexualities.


~Your POV~

You tap your fingers against the bed spread, humming along to your music. You take a deep breath, before silently whispering the lyrics.

"Girls love girls and boys," you hum along, small smile on your face. You sit up in your bed dancing around a little bit.

"And never did I think that I!" you sing out loud now. You thought no one was in the Tower, so who cared?

"Would be caught in the way you got me!!" you sing aloud, before jumping up to your feet and dancing around.

"Girls love girls and boys!!" you sing aloud, spinning in circles to the song, before flopping down on your bed with a deep breath.

You sit and think. For almost a year, you had began to feel... different. You knew that you didn't like boys... but you just convinced yourself that it was because you'd never met the right guy.

That was until you met Loki. He was perfect in almost every way. He came from Asgard with his brother Thor. Apparently Loki live here and just no one informed you!! But goodness, was he gorgeous. With his long raven black hair and bright emerald green eyes that made your heart melt at the sight. That mischievous smirk that made you melt into the floor, or his adorable laugh. His personality, the choice of books he read, heck how he sat. Everything about him drew you in.

You started to slowly notice some boys were okay... but it was mostly just their personality. But then one day while at the coffee shop you liked to study at you bumped into this girl. And when your eyes met... how your heart pounded, your palms sweat, butterflies ate at your insides. It was a crazy feeling that you hadn't felt... never for a girl at least. She was adorable. The cutest little laugh, and gorgeous smile.

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