Another World

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Pairing - Tom Hiddleston x reader x Loki Laufeyson (not a threesome)

Warnings - angst, mystery 

This request comes from BookQueen747  

Summary - after a dream, you start to wonder if there is another world out there

Request - Ok, I know this has been done before in some capacity (but kind of hit or miss), but a Loki imagine where Tom Hiddleston also exists and has some affiliation with the main character. 


You throw your head back with a laugh, as a girl named Nat throws an arm over your shoulder.

"We did it!  We saved New York!" You laugh, as Tony flies down next to you.  Everyone was there. Wanda and Vision hand in hand Tony laughing with Steve, Clint and Bruce punching at each other.  Peter runs over to you and gives you a big hug.  Thor wraps arms around his brother, before Loki comes over and hugs you.

"We did it," he smiles down at you.  You chuckle a bit.

"Loki!  Come here!" Steve calls, waving Loki over.  Loki looks at you nervously, but goes to walk over to Steve.  Steve places a hand on his shoulder.

"Loki... we're dubbing you... an Avenger," he smiles.  Everyone bursts into cheers.

Flashes of the past five years go by. The original six and you laughing as you guys drink, you running up to Loki when he returns home, Wanda and you making cookies in the kitchen.  Flashes of everyone smiling over at you, flashing faster and faster until...

Your eyes open slowly, as you blink away the light from the blinds.  You look around, before your head turns to see Tom sleeping peacefully.  You give a small smile, bringing your hand to run fingers through his curls.

He lets out a yawn, his eyes opening.  He gives you that beautiful, sleepy smile of his.

"What are you doing up love?" He mumbles.  You chuckle a bit, biting on your lip, trying to explain your dream.  It was so weird, so real.

"What is troubling you my darling?" He asks, turning his head to look at you. You heave a sigh, turning your face to look over at him.

"I just... I had this dream.  And all our friends and us were superheroes," you say with a chuckle.  Tom gives you a smirk.

"Was I in your dream?" He asks, quirking a brow.  You laugh.

"Yeah. You were a very handsome god - what was his name? -  Loki.  Loki of Asgard.  And Chris was your brother Thor, and Tom was a superhero named Spider-Man, and then Robert was this guy... oh yeah Iron Man!!  Scarlet was Black Widow, Mark was the Hulk.  We all had alternate identities, and we were a superhero group called the Avengers," you explain.  Tom gives you a small smile.

"That was a very interesting dream," he says.  You heave a sigh with a small shake of your head.

"But it just... felt so real.  Like another life I lived or something," you say with a laugh.  Tom smiles at you, his blue eyes looking into your e/c eyes.

"Weird.  But its okay my love.  It was jus a dream.  Here, why don't we make breakfast, and then we can have a day out?" Tom suggests.  You smile with a nod.  Tom leans in, planting a kiss on your lips.

Loki Laufeyson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now