The Viazel Festival

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The next few days were rather boring and slow but things finally started to pick up when Ban told us that there was a fighting festival happening in Vianel. I begged Meliodas to let us go and he agreed that going to the festival would be a great change of pace. Diana had to stay back though and she was not happy about it.

"AW COME ON! Why do I have to house sit?! I want to participate too!" She shouts as he punches the ground in frustration.

"Sorry Diana but ever since a giant went rampant last year they have been banned from the village." Meliodas explains. She slumps forward but nods.

"Hey don't worry Diana I'll stay back with you and we can have a girls hangout." Elizabeth says. Diana glances up in surprise.

"Really? Thanks Elizabeth your the best!"

I smile before turning and heading off with Ban, King, and Meliodas to the village. Entering the village I make sure to tie back my blond hair then I start stretching my arms. I was beyond excited to fight.

"Hey (Y/N) make sure to hold back alright? We don't want to go accidently killing anyone." Meliodas states. I frown but nod. After a few more minutes of looking around we found where we are supposed to sign and get in line to do so. I was talking with Meliodas about what to expect in the festival when someone grabbed him by his collar and hoisted him up in the air.

"OI! This festival isn't meant for little kids! Get lost why don't you!" A huge bald gruff man shouts in Meliodas's face. Meliodas just stares at him blankly as the man shakes him. I feel my eyes narrow in irritation as I walk up to the man. Placing my hand on his I glare at him.

"Let my Brother go." I growl as I let a wave of my energy flow from my hand into his arm as I quietly muttered. "Drain." The man let out a gasp of surprise as he let go of Meliodas and reached up to grab his head.

"What the hell?" He muttered "Why do I suddenly feel so tired?" I glance at him with fake concern.

"Maybe you should go home and rest you look really pale." He looks at me then nods heading off into the crowd.

"Really (Y/N)? that was not necessary." Meliodas scolds as he swats my arm.

"I don't know what you mean." I state batting my eyes innocently.  Meliodas just rolls his eyes grinning. After signing up we where directed to head towards a giant boulder where the festival was going to take place. Arriving at the top we take our places on a raised platform when a strange tiny red creature popped up out of nowhere and started explaining what was going to happen.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

"ALRIGHT! Welcome everyone to the Vianel festival! The rules for the first round are simple. Stay in the ring while forcing everyone else out! You can do this in any way you want. Except for weapons. If you have any please set them aside." The participants proceeded toss their weapons to the side out of the ring. After a minute everyone was ready to go. I pop my neck and ready my self as I hear the creature shout, "BEGIN!"

I reach over and grab the closest person to me and chuck him out of the ring. Spinning I barely avoid getting tackled from behind. Coming out of the spin I kick the guy in the behind causing him to lose his balance and fall out of the ring. That's when I felt a creepy stare boring into my back. Turning around I find a man who looked to be about 45 practically drooling as he stared at me. My eye twitches in anger as I walk over to him ducking and side stepping other people. I quickly reach him.

"Hey girly. Why don't me and you leave this festival and have some real fun?" He asked as he grabs my wrist. I look him in the eye and growl.

"Go to hell. Flash burn!" He looks confused for a fraction of a second then lets go of my wrist screaming in pain. His entire hand was covered in burn blisters some opening and letting blood drip from them. He stumbles back in pain falling from the ring then running off into the crowd screaming and crying in pain.

People part for him and then turn to stare at me in horror as I turn and punch another guy in the gut making him double gasping allowing me the time to shove him out of the ring. Another minute of this and the first round is done. Me, Meli, Ban and some other people had made it. Oh and King though it was only because of his floating pillow. The others where people I didn't recognize but one was a girl wearing a cloak, another was a young man with blond hair brushed back, a huge man with long black hair, and an old man. I smile. 

*Can't wait to see who I'll be fighting.*

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