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I wander the barren landscape coughing and gagging on the terrible air. Burning hot and cold sears my skin as I continue to wander. I hate it here. Everything sucked and it especially sucked being here alone. Glancing around I continue to trudge forward. It was only a matter of time until I go back to my body but of course I'm going to end up leaving a part of myself behind. I shudder not wanting to think of how different I may be when I get back. 

"So back again aren't you daughter. It won't take much more until you turn back into the amazing prodigy you were before." My father's voice bounces all around me making almost feel like I was being enveloped by his voice. I growl as I turn to face him.

"I will never be that person again. Me and Meliodas will beat you Father!!" I lung forward as I scream.


Quiet voices surround me muttering about something that I can't quite here. After a second the voices become clearer, and I recognize Meliodas's voice as he talks to someone.

"How dangerous do you think she'll be this time? Every time she wakes up, she's more scared, confused, and it takes longer each time to calm her down. Not to mention that her emotions and memories are going to be even more limited now."

"Meliodas, do you have no faith in your sister? She is strong and will be fine. I do recommend that you should be the only person she sees for the next few days and in your demon form. She is going to be stuck in her other mental state for a time and will only trust-" I don't hear the rest as I black out.

A few hours later I wake with a start and sit up looking around hurriedly. Where am I? I don't recognize this room or the scents coming from this place. Standing I head toward the door as I make a black energy blade appear in my hand ready to be used. I start to open the door when a deep voice stops me. "(Y/N), stop." I stop and turn to face my twin brother Meliodas. His dark eyes bore into mine as he steps away from the wall he was leaning against.

"Where are we are brother? I do not recognize this place nor its scent." I let the blade disperse as I step away from the door.

"You do not recognize this place because I killed the inhabitants here and made this place our refuge. We were on patrol when we were ambushed by the Arch Angels. Because we were caught off guard the strongest of them was able to get to you from behind with a holy blade. You've been out for the last two days. It would have been longer, but I transferred some of my energy over to you." Meliodas explains as he gestures to a large scar on my stomach that I had not noticed before. Frowning I run my fingers over the wound when a slight flash of pain seemed to lash out from the scar as the memory of being stabbed from behind flashes through my mind. 

"Ah, I remember now. Thank you for your help brother but I am strong enough to leave now."

"Sister while you may feel fine in here that will not be the case once you leave. Our demonic energy has been filling this room making it easier for you to handle your injury but once you leave, you'll feel the full extent of your injuries, so I insist that you stay here for at least another day." Meliodas states as he places himself between me and the door. I roll my eyes as I start to reach for the door.

"Don't be ridiculous brother, I know my own strength better then yo-" Meliodas grabs my arm and quickly pins me against the wall on the other side of the room. I struggle trying to break free of his grip but as I open my hand to cast a spell, he clamps his other hand of it forcing it close. When I continue to struggle, he tightens his grip painfully.

"(Y/N) if I can stop you so easily then you are clearly still in a weak condition. We may be the most powerful demons but even we can be severally injured by the Arch Angels. Now stay here and rest willingly or I'll be forced to knock you out. Having you leave in such a state will make you useless in battle."

I finally give in and stop struggling. Meliodas waits a second before finally letting me go. As he steps away from me, I head back over to the bed and sit down one the edge. As soon as I sit, I feel exhaustion flood my senses. Letting out an irritated sigh I let myself lay down on the bed. Meliodas watches me and nearly smirks as he hears my sigh.

"Finally feeling the effects. I know you hate feeling weak just as much as I do but we both know that not allowing ourselves to heal only makes us hinderances in battle." He turns and heads for the door. "I'm going to find some souls to help fuel ourselves." Opening the door, he heads out. I stare at the ceiling for a second before allowing my eyes to drift shut again.

Meliodas POV:

After I close the door, I close my eyes and slowly open up my emotions again. Gradually my demon form fades away leaving me in my Seven Deadly Sins captain attire.  I glance at the door before heading downstairs. The only person there is Merlin. I had told everyone else to leave just in case (Y/N) had been strong enough to escape me and leave the room. Merlin glances up from the vile she was examining. I walk over and sit down beside her remaining silent. She sets down the vile and turns to me. I wait a second longer before speaking.

"(Y/N) was gone. Fully this time. Before she would be more confused as her memories would be mixed up but this time she was fully gone."

Merlin nods. "I know your worried Meliodas but have faith in your sister. With you helping her heal by letting her absorb your energy she will recover. It may be longer than you like but she will." 

I sigh. "I know but if she is this far gone while healing, then just how far gone will she be when she is healed?"

Bonded no matter what  ( Meliodas's Twin Sister// ???? x reader)Where stories live. Discover now