Seeing Ban

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It didn't take long to arrive at Bastia prison and once we got there I notice that Meliodas had just finished killing the holy knight that had dared to smack Elizabeth. I jumped won form Diana's shoulder to land next to him.

"Hey are you alright? Not going to go wrath crazy, are we?" I ask quietly. He doesn't answer for a minute before facing me and smiling with his usual grin.

"Why would I do that? I'm not even angry." He says before turning and entering the prison. "Come on let's go find Ban." I watch him go and let a small sad smile slip onto my face for a minute before truly smiling and following him inside.

While Meliodas went looking for Ban with Diana I went to find the doctors daughter. It didn't take long before I found her cell and some holy knight who were planning to do some not so holy things with her. Anger took over for a minute and I kill both knights in a matter of seconds.  The girl stares at me terrified as I kick the door with ease. I kneel down and explain what was happening as I undo her restraints. She thanks me as I start to lead her from the cell. 

As we wonder the halls trying to find the others I hear the sound of breaking stone and quickly pull the girl back just in time to avoid getting crushed by the wall that blew into the hall in front of us. Meliodas stood up from the rubble laughing and charged back in the direction he came flying from. Letting out a small chuckle I follow him and step into the hall everyone else was in. Meliodas and Ban had just gotten down on the floor getting ready to arm wrestle.

"Hey (Y/N) can you help us start off?" Meliodas asks. I nod and tell the girl to go hide behind Diana. After She got cover I step forward and place a hand on top of Meliodas and Ban's gripped hands.

"Three, two, one...... GO!" I shout then quickly dash over to Diana to get out of the way of the boys. The building around starts to crumble dew to the force of Meliodas's and Ban's little game. As we start to fall threw the air I grab onto the girl to keep her safe.

Landing on the ground Ban And Meliodas laugh as they sit up and start to wander off in the direction of the town the rest of us following suit. 

That evening proved to quite entertaining since Ban ended up getting very drunk and acting rather stupid. Diana and Elizabeth became real friends and turned out the doctor who we had left had healed miraculously while we were gone. I lean back against the table and notice a bunch of meteors falling from the sky in a cross formation. Frowning slightly I glance over at Meliodas. He had his usual neutral expression but his eyes told a different story as worry, angry and regret swirled within them. Turning back to the sight in the sky I feel my own eyes narrow slightly as I remember the prophecy the one that I wished wasn't true. 

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