Vanya Village

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We had been traveling for a day when we arrived at Vanya Village. I was just getting ready to smack Meilodas for harassing Elizabeth again when Hawk's mom stopped and dug into the ground signaling our arrival to our destination. Meilodas grinned as he opened the front door and headed out.

"Vanya village. The best place to grab Ale. So we need to make a quick stop here to restock our collection." I explain to Elizabeth as she look slightly confused. She nods and follows Meilodas out of the tavern me following after.

Walking to the village we quickly notice the large gathering of people in the center square. About a mile from the village I sense strong magic in the air. Continuing to walk towards the village I feel the magic intensify. I didn't recognize the magical aura though. See everyone's magical aura feels different and this magic had an electrical buzz to it. After entering the village the aura was so strong that it was tingling my skin making me shiver.

Meilodas walks forward toward one of the people on the edge of the crowd and asks what the festival is about. The person turns around in a fit of rage and shouts at us saying that it wasn't a festival but a major issue that had caused the gathering. Intrigued I make my way through the crowd towards the center and find several men trying to pull a sword out of the ground.

"Why is everyone gathered around that sword?" I hear Meilodas ask as he steps up next to me. I close my eyes and mutter "Insight". I open my eyes again this time there faintly glowing white as I glance over at the sword then down at the ground it was stabbed into. I inhale sharply as I see what the magic in the sword is doing. I could see glowing lines of magic flowing from the sword and creating a barrier that blocked the water flow of the river next to the village.

"The swords magic is blocking the water flow of the river." I growl as my eyes glow fades.

"Who would do something like that?" Meilodas asks. One of the men nearby explains that a holy knight had been here earlier and gotten angry with the people and stabbed his sword into the ground. As he explained this to us a young boy stumbled forward and raised his fist into the air and proudly proclaims.

"Don't worry everyone! When my friends the Eight Deadly sins get here they'll be able to easily take care of this situation!" Me and Meilodas glance at each other slightly surprised thinking the same thing. *We know this kid?* The group of people are quickly riled up by the boys and start throwing rocks at the poor child. I growl and start to step forward to stop the insensible actions. 

Meilodas however beat me to it. He was standing in front of the kid sheltering him the rocks. The crowd stopped in shock at what this random person did. I run forward then pick up the kid and run back towards the tavern with the others trailing behind me. 

Once safely inside the tavern I sit the kid down on a chair and go to make him some food while Meilodas and Elizabeth talk to him. I make the only thing I can make that actually has a decent taste. (F/F). After a few minutes I come out with the food and set it down in front of him.

After he finished eating we found out that his name is Mead and we also found out why he said he was a friend to the sins. He also explained what pissed off the Holy Knight so much. We sit still listening to him quietly. When he was finally done we headed back out to go see what we could do to help.

Walking into the square I notice two soldiers lounging off to the side drinking the village's ale while laughing at them all the while. I walk over to them and snatch the mugs from before they could even comprehend what was happening I had already downed both mugs of ale. I set the mugs down then glare at them.

"Only people who actually deserve this delicacy should drink it. And you two are not a part of that group." The knights growl at me in anger for taking their drinks. Grabbing their swords they stand and charge me. I smirk as I wait till the last second then pivot and do a round house kick to one of them sending him crashing into the other.

They try to stand up but I place my foot on the back of the guy on top keeping both of them down. I lean over and whisper in the top guys ear.

"You know trying to pick a fight with one of the captains of the Eight Deadly Sins isn't terribly smart." His eyes widen in fear and surprise but before he could reply I punch him in the back of the head knocking him out cold pinning the guy underneath him rather effectively.

I wipe my hands off on my leggings and turn around to see that Meilodas had pulled the sword out of the ground quite easily. The crowd was cheering quite loudly and their enthusiasm was contagious. I laugh before shouting.

"Boar Hat tavern is open for business! Come get drink and party till your content!"

The crowd cheers. I grin as I lead the way back to the tavern.


The tavern was still full of customers despite the late hour and everyone was greatly enjoying each others company. I was finishing my tenth mug of ale when I felt a strong surge of the same electrical magic from before. Standing I head over to Meilodas. I tap him on the shoulder and gesture towards the door before heading outside. A minute later Meilodas follows and joins me on the porch.

"What's up sis?" He asks. I stare at him slightly annoyed.

"Don't you sense it? That strong surge of magic?" I demand. He frowns. "No I don't.... wait now I do." He turns and jumps into the air and grabs a spear of lightening that had suddenly appeared. My eyes widen as I see the spear carry Meilodas toward the village. thinking quickly I throw up a magic barrier behind him to help slow him down before he would crash into one of the homes. 

With my help he slows and then thrusts the spear back in the direction it came from. It flies off and quickly appears. I walk over to him with a grim expression.

"A message from the holy knights you think?" I ask. He doesn't respond giving me my answer.

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