Chapter Thirty Five

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Chapter Thirty Five

Mac's POV

"I think we should probably talk," Brett said, breaking the uncomfortable silence. Well, that's never a pleasant way to start a conversation. We had just arrived back home after dealing with Helena. It had been a few hours. After we got Isaac home, where he was resting and healing from his fight with Helena, Brett and I came back to my place where we've been sitting in the living room.

"Yeah." I sighed out. "I just don't know what to say."

"Well, why don't we talk about Issac being the only person who cares for you?" Brett asked with a glare. I sighed again.

"I'm sorry, okay? It was something that just came out in the heat of the moment." I stated.

"Oh, that's great! The heat of the moment? My girlfriend basically confessed her love for another guy, but it's okay because it was the heat of the moment!" Brett yelled sarcastically, shooting up from his seat on the couch.

"First of all, that's not what happened at all and you know that!" I snapped back, standing up as well.

"No, what I do know is that he's the only person who cares for you! Right? That's what you said!" Brett yelled back.

"You don't understand!" I yelled.

"Well, help me understand then!" Brett exclaimed.

"He's my best friend! Ever since we became friends, he's always been by my side! He's never switched up on me! He's the most important person in my life! He's my person! He's always been there for me!" I yelled exasperated.

"You know what? I think we should just end this." Brett said calmly.

"What?" I whispered shocked. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah. There's no point." Brett shrugged.

"No point?" I asked, blinking back tears. "You're joking right?"

"No," Brett said, walking to the door.

"Wait, can we talk about this?" I called to him.

"There's nothing more to talk about Mac. Isaac is the most important person in your life and I'm not gonna be anyone's second place." Brett turned and looked at me.

"So you're breaking up with me because you're jealous of the relationship I have with my best friend?" I scoffed.

"I guess so," Brett said and walked out of the house. I plopped down on the couch, hurt and shocked. What the hell? Did that really just happen? I was pulled out of my train of thought by my phone ringing.

"Melissa?" I answered confused.

"Mac." Her voice strained with emotion.

"What's going on?" I ask, shooting back up to my feet.

"It's Noah." She replied.


I ran off the elevator as soon as the door opened, scanning the room for Melissa. She was standing at the nurses' station, her face filled with stress lines.

"Melissa!" I called out, running up to her.

"Where's Noah? How is he? Is Stiles here? Is he okay? What happened?" I asked when I reached her.

"Breathe Mac. One question at a time." She said, placing a calming hand on my shoulder. "Noah is in surgery and Stiles is in the waiting room."

"Why didn't he call me?" I ask confused. Why wouldn't Stiles call me if Noah was hurt? Sure earlier I wouldn't have been available, being kidnapped and all, but that was hours ago. I had no missed calls, no text messages, nothing from him.

"I don't know," Melissa answered. She placed a hand on my back and led me to the waiting room. Stiles sat in the empty room, staring at the wall. He jumped up when he noticed Melissa.

"Any news?" He asked.

"Not yet. I'll let you know." She replied softly, leaving us alone.

"What the hell happened?" I asked him. Stiles sighed, slumping back in his chair.

"Theo attacked my dad," Stiles muttered.

"Why didn't you call me Stiles?" I asked him, sitting next to him.

"Why should I?" He asked bitterly. I looked at him in shock.

"What do you mean, 'Why should I'? Noah is like a father to me." I said offended.

"Yeah, that right. He's like a father. He's not your father! You're just a ward of the state that he took in!" Stiles snapped standing up. I took a sharp breath in at the blow.

"You know, I'm just going to let that one go. You're obviously upset right now." I said quietly, trying to push past the insult.

"You think?" Stiles yelled, his angry eyes turning to me. "What good are you if you're never around to help? My dad gives you a free place to stay and takes care of you! What the hell have you done for him? What gives you the right to worry about him?" I glared at him shooting up from my seat.

"You're an asshole, you know that? I wasn't there, because I didn't have a choice! I was kidnapped and had been missing since we were at school! Not that any of you dicks noticed! Isaac almost died trying to stop Helena from literally sacrificing my ass! So I'm sorry for not being here and stopping one psychopath when I was being held captive in a cave by another one!" I snapped. Stiles looked at me with wide eyes. "You don't think I know I've done nothing for Noah? He's done so much for me! He hasn't just given me a place to stay and taken care of me! He's been one of the only adult figures in my life to treat me like I'm not a burden! He's like a father because he's the closest to one I've had! All of my family has either abandoned me or tried to kill me! So, yes! I'm freaking worried and I wanna know why the hell you didn't call me when he's my dad too!" By the end of my speech, tears were forming in my eyes. I blocked them back, not wanting to break down in the waiting room.

"Mac," Stiles said, his voice full of sorrow. "Mac, I'm so sorry." I wasn't sure if he was apologizing because of what he said or because of what I've gone through tonight. He pulled me into a hug. I gripped his shirt, terrified of what was gonna happen to Noah.

"He's gonna be okay, Stiles. He has too." I said doing my best to hold back my sobs. We stood there holding each other for a few minutes, hoping for the best for the man that was so important to the both of us. We sat down in the chairs, with my head on his shoulder. We sat in silence for a few minutes before I spoke up. "Brett broke up with me tonight."

"Wait, what?" Stiles asked.

"Yeah, and my aunt tried to bring my mom back. Maybe not in that order though. It's been a long night." I said with a long sigh.


Poor Mac. I thought she and Brett were endgame. Maybe they will be, or maybe there's another in store for her. 

1172 Words



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