Chapter Forty Three

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Chapter Forty Three

Mac's POV

"So we're really gonna disturb this man at rehab?" I ask my brother and his best friend. The three of us were currently going to go try and convince Coach Finstock to come back to school so he can cancel the game.

"We have to get the game canceled." Scott reminded me. The three of us walk up to the doors of Stepping Stones Rehabilitation Facility and look through the glass doors. Coach was sitting back on one of the couches staring up at the ceiling.

"Oh my- what is he doing?" Stiles whispered as we went to sit with the man.

"Hey, Coach. It's Scott, Stiles, and Mac" Scott said, sitting next to him. Stiles sat on the other side and I sat on the arm of the couch next to Scott. Coach didn't respond so Stiles waves his hand in front of Coach's eyes. Coach did not respond at all.

"Coach, You're in rehab. You didn't have a lobotomy." Stiles reminded the man.

"Coach?" I asked him, concerned. Stiles sighed and went to move his hand to touch the checkers game on the table in front of Coach. Coach Finstock grabbed his arm.

"Don't you touch it. I've got Nurse Gonzalez by the balls of the last three moves and she knows it." Coach says chuckling and finally sitting up.

"Let it go. You're checking out of this place now." Stiles said.

"Not a chance." Coach said.

"Okay, Coach. But, we know you're fine." Scott said. Coach started shushing him loudly.

"I have a debilitating disease. It's called 'I'm not going to take another arrow to my stomach-phobia.' Look it up." Coach said.

"Nobody's shooting arrows at anyone, okay?" Scott said. "We just need you to coach the charity game."

"Charity? Not a chance." Coach said.

"How exactly have you been conning them into letting you stay here?" Stiles asked.

"I, uh... I have relapses. It's... It's serious. I've had seven of them." Coach said.

"So once a month?" I asked.

"Yeah, you see, uh, every time they are just about to discharge me, I relapse." Coach said clicking his tongue.

"And no one's noticed that pattern?" Stiles asked.

"I have phenomenal health insurance. So why don't you guys get the hell out of here? I hate charity games. They're meaningless." Coach said.

"I don't think the charities would agree," Stiles responded.

"What's it for this year?" Coach asked.

"Cancer," Scott answered.

"For or against?" Coach asked again.

"Against, Coach," I asked astonished.

"Deeply against," Stiles added.

"Yeah, okay, well, I'm deeply not interested." Coach said.

"Coach, we need you." Scott pleaded.

"I will never coach there again." Coach said.

"That's okay. Because we don't actually need you to coach the game." Stiles said.

"We need you to forfeit," Scott added. Coach looked at the three of us in confusion.


The whole pack was in one of the classrooms. We were making a plan for tonight. The lacrosse players were suited up in their uniforms.

"Mason you know your part," Scott said.

"Corey and I break into the Devenford Bus and search their shoes," Mason said.

"I take out the TV vans," Malia said.

"Right before the whistle, Coach forfeits the game," Stiles added.

"The rest of us are looking for a size 10 with a bloody sole," Liam said.

"Just out of curiosity, What if it doesn't work? What if we have to go up against this thing?" Malia asked. "I mean, I hate to bring up bad memories but Scott's still healing from what Theo did to him."

"No, he's not," Kira said.

"She's right. It happened the night we got Lydia out of Eichen House. I healed. When we're all together again when we were a pack." Scott said, showing us his healed stomach.

"The Beast doesn't have a pack." Liam pointed out.

"Not like us. We can do this, guys. No one dies tonight." Scott said.


We were losing. We were losing badly. Coach refused to forfeit the game, so we were playing, but like I said. We were getting our asses kicked. It was 5-1 with Devenford Prep winning. That was until Liam started bringing up the score. The game was interesting, to say the least. Kira got kicked out after she fouled Brett. She hit him across the face with her lacrosse stick. It did bring me a bit of internal joy. Scott had disappeared after Kira. Stiles had left off the field as well. Isaac had joined me on the bench. That left Liam on the field with the rest of the team and they were doing pretty alright. The game had finally gone into overtime.

"I think we might actually win this one," Isaac said. There was a loud feedback squeal from the news van that ended up hurting the ears of everyone on the field.

"I don't think it matters anymore," I said, standing up.

That's when all hell broke loose.


Kira hitting Brett in the face was so funny to me. Idek why.

851 Words



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