Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Mac's POV

"It's Garret?" I asked Scott who told us what Liam informed him and Stiles. Garret paid for the keg. He was the assassin. "Damn, I really thought it was Greenberg."

"We don't know, but we think so," Scott said.

"Shouldn't we do something now?" Kira asked.

"I mean, we can't. We're still not really sure if it's really him. And if we're wrong, then the real assassin gets away." Scott said.

"So you're saying it could still be Greenberg?" I asked, which earned me an annoyed look from Scott.

"What if he strikes while the game is going on?" Isaac asked.

"We just gotta keep an eye on him and hope that doesn't happen," Scott said and I groaned. We never have such luck.

"Female McCall!" Coach called me over. I walked over to him. "Did you fill the water bottles?"

"Yep," I said, glancing over at the prep students. Brett was pulling on his shirt. Damn those are so nice looking abs.

"Take these papers over to the Devenford Prep coach for me." Coach said. I grabbed the few papers and made my way into enemy lines. The lacrosse players were standing in my way.

"Excuse me," I said, hoping they would move. Of course, they didn't. "Out of my way heathens!"

They turned and looked at me, moving out of my way. After I handed the papers to the papers to the coach I turned around and ended up bumping into Brett.

"Well, hello there." He said with a smirk.

"Oops, sorry." I apologized for bumping into him.

"There's no need for an apology. I'm used to women falling over me." He said and I scoffed.

"And with that, I'm walking away," I said rolling my eyes and walking away.

"You know, you're pretty cute for a public school girl." He said to my retreating figure. I turned around, still walking toward my school's side of the field.

"And you're pretty cute for a douchebag, but you're totally not my type," I said with a sarcastic smile. I sat down on the bench next to Isaac who looked at me with a smirk.

"Is that a new ship I see?" He asked.

"Oh gross," I said making a face. "I'm gonna need you to stop shipping me with people because they all turn to crap and sink."

"Fair enough." He said, throwing his hands up. I laughed and cheered for my team as the game started. I was nervous. Garret could hurt my brother, Kira, or Liam at any time. Thank god Isaac was benched, so he was out of danger at the moment.

"Hey, be careful out there. All of you." I said to my pack members about to go on the field with a literal assassin.

"We'll do our best," Scott said. When it was time for the players to go in the field, Scott tried to get Liam benched with no luck. I sat nervously, biting my nails.

"Calm down, Mac. You're freaking me out." Isaac said, but I could see the anxiety on his face too.

We watched with anticipation as the game started. Devenford made the first goal soon after the whistle. I groaned as they lined back up. I saw Scott talking to that Brett kid.

"What are they saying?" I asked Isaac.

"Scott is asking him to go easy on Liam. Brett said no." Isaac told me. Just then the whistle blew and Brett took the ball, running toward the goal. Liam tried to stop him but two Devenford players stopped him and knocked him to the ground. Liam popped back up, pulling off his helmet and gloves, ready to throw down. Scott and Stiles held him back thankfully.

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