Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter Thirty Eight

Mac's POV

It had been a couple of days since Noah had almost died. He was still in the hospital, much to his disappointment. He complained a few times about it, especially after I told him about my aunt. The night he woke up after his surgery, after I stopped crying, I told him and Stiles all about the incident. To say Noah was mad was an understatement. Stiles and I practically had to hold him down to the bed to stop him from trying to send the whole police department after her.

I didn't think there was any point. She had left Beacon Hills. Plus there was no evidence that she did anything to me. It was all supernatural stuff that would never hold up in court and definitely would've gotten Noah sent to Eichen house.

'Ah yes Judge this woman is guilty. She tied my foster daughter up in a cave and tried to use her Phoenix powers to resurrect her dead abusive sister.' Yeah I don't think any judge in the world would fall for that. After I pretty much explained that and assuring Noah she wouldn't be come back, leaving out the whole threatening to kill her stuff, he dropped it for now.

I was currently at Helena's house going through all the information she had gathered on Phoenixes. It was a lot. More information than I ever dreamed of knowing. Isaac was with me, going through the years of research Helena had.

"So this is your wolfsbane?" Isaac asked walking into the room. I felt a prickle come up my spine and I turned to see him holding up a jar of the red death plant.

"Yes. It's called De Caen Anemone and I would appreciate it if you took it out the room." I said, glaring at the damned plant.

"Oops, sorry. My bad. I just think it's so pretty." Isaac said, walking it out of the house.

"I think wolfsbane is pretty but he doesn't see me flaunting it in his face." I muttered to myself, feeling the prickle leave my body as the plant left the house. Isaac was probably putting it in Chris' truck. I was giving it to him, knowing he'd keep it safe and locked away in an Agent hideout.

"Mac, are you sure you don't wanna just burn it?" Chris asked. I looked up from my laptop to see him standing in the doorway.

"We might need it one day." I reassured him. "We don't know how many Phoenixes are out there. We don't know how many of them are like my aunt."

"If you're sure, I'll keep it safe." Chris responded.

"Thanks." I said, looking down at the papers in front of me. He nodded his goodbye and walked out. Hopefully we don't need to ever use the plant but I feel better with us having it.

Isaac walked back in and plopped down in his seat next to me. Isaac and I were going through everything and putting it in digital form. There was so much. So many different stories of the origin of a Phoenix. A few articles and sightings of supposed phoenixes. My head was on the verge of exploding with all the information I was receiving.

"Do you think you would be able to transform into an actual bird, like Derek transforms into a actual wolf?" Isaac asked, holding up a drawing of a Phoenix. It looked like something straight out of Harry Potter.

"I don't know." I groaned. I really didn't. This was becoming too much. I wanted to know more about Phoenixes, but this was overwhelming.

"Mac, breathe. It's gonna be okay." Isaac said, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. I sighed heavily, putting my hands on my face.

"This is just so frustrating. There's so much here. How am I supposed to navigate any of this? Differentiate between what's real and what's just a story?" I say, running my hand through my hair. I knew which origin story Helena believed, but who was to say it was actually the true one. Helena's notes were all over the place. Scribbling from the mind of a crazy woman.

"We'll figure it out, one step at a time." Isaac assured me. My phone dinged and looked down to see a text from Stiles.

"Stiles and Scott are driving to New Mexico to find Kira." I informed Isaac.

"Have you talked to him yet?" Isaac asked.

"I talk to Stiles all the time." I sassed.

"You know I mean Scott. Have you talked to him yet?" Isaac asked. I sighed again, looking down at the pile of papers next to me.

"Nope." I said with a shrug.

"Are you going to?" Isaac asked cautiously. I knew the two of them had made up. It was easy with them living together. I didn't know the details of their conversation, but Scott was no longer on Isaac's shit list.

"He hasn't even apologized, Isaac. You just expect me to act like he didn't forget me when I needed him?" I ask annoyed.

"That's not what I mean, Mac." Isaac clarified. "You don't have to act like that. What he did was messed up and we all know it."

"Well I wish everyone would stop acting like I owe him forgiveness!" I snapped throwing Isaac a glare.

"You don't owe anyone, anything Mac." Isaac responded calmly. "But you're hurting. He hurt you. I'm not saying forgive him. I'm saying talk to him. Let him know how you're feeling. He's your brother and I know you love him. Neither of you are gonna get over this until you talk about it." Isaac finished. I let out a sigh.

"When did you get so smart Mister Lahey?" I ask, putting my head on his shoulder.

"I've always been this way Miss McCall. It's just hidden behind my blinding good looks." Isaac sassed, patting me on my back. I slapped his stomach causing his to let out a laugh as he pulled me in for a hug.


I love Isaac.

1023 Words



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