Chapter Forty Two

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Chapter Forty Two

Mac's POV

"Why does Parrish have to sleepwalk in the middle of the night." I groaned, leaning my head back against the back seat of Stiles's jeep.

"He's not sleepwalking. He's doing hellhound business." Isaac reminded me. I glared at him.

"Can't he do his hellhound business during normal hours?" I groaned.

"You could've stayed home." Stiles reminded me from the driver's seat.

"And miss seeing the hellhound in action? Yeah, right." I said, looking out the window.

"He's headed to the school," Scott said, I'm sure reading a text from our favorite hunter.

"Why's Parrish headed to the school?" Liam asked.

"It's not Parrish. At least not right now." Scott said.

"Okay, why's a Hellhound going to the school?" Liam asked.

"Cause he's got a yearning for higher education." Stiles chimes in sarcastically. "Liam, Hellhound's at the school, so, we're going to the school. Okay?"

"I'm so tired of coming to this school." Isaac said.

"Right. We spend more time here for supernatural stuff than we do actually going to class." I added. When we pulled up, Isaac and I climbed out behind Stiles while Scott and Liam went out of the passenger door. When Liam closed the door he slammed it, causing a loud noise and making us all look at him.

"Sorry." He muttered. Well, so much for sneaking around. The five of us walked to meet up with Chris.

"Where's Parrish?" Scott asked Chris.

"I lost him. He's moving too fast." Chris informed us.

"Scott." Liam said, pulling our attention to a person laying in the middle of the sidewalk. "That guy's not moving at all." We all slowly walked up to the body that was ripped the shreds. When we approached, we noticed another body further out.

"Look." Liam pointed out. He motioned to a school bus. Multiple bodies were ripped apart in it. It was a grotesque sight. I covered my mouth in shock as one of the kids on the bus lifted his head.

"Help me." He whimpered out. We all started moving toward him when Parrish came out of nowhere.

"It's a trap." Parrish said. His hellhound form glaring at the bus.

"Please." The kid whimpered.

"You can't help him." Parrish said, looking back at us. The kid was then ripped in half as The Beast appeared from the darkness of the bus.

"That's big. No one said it was that big." Stiles said.

"I did." Liam muttered. The Beast roared and Parrish roared back. The Beast took off the opposite way and Parrish followed behind it. His flames disappearing as he left out of our sight.

"What the hell's happening?" Scott asked in shock.

"It's getting smarter." Chris said. Well, that's great. Note the extreme sarcasm.


"Have you seen him?" Isaac asked me, coming up to my locker.

"Seen who?" I ask confused.

"Brett. He's here at the school. Getting ready for the game tonight." Isaac said.

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