Chapter Thirty Seven

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Chapter Thirty Seven

Mac's POV

It had been about three hours after I left the hospital when I got a call from Stiles. I was sitting with Isaac, who was still really weak from his injuries, though he was healing fine. Stiles informed me that some chimera had attacked Noah and how him, Scott, and Malia had caught his scent near an old tunnel passage. I told him I'd meet them there, it not being too far from Scott's house. Isaac wasn't too happy about not being able to help, but we both agreed that he should focus on healing before getting into anymore fights. Well it was mostly him trying to argue his way into going and me threatening to beat his ass if he didn't stop trying to get himself unalived.

I pulled up outside the tunnels, meeting my friends outside the entrance. I walked ahead of the two boys with Malia, who was searching for the scent to make sure we were actually on the right track.

"You good?" She asked me, looking at me out of the corner of her eye.

"Eh, not really." I say with a shrug. "But there's nothing I can do about that right now. You?"

"Nope." She replied simply.

"Wanna talk about it?" I ask her.

"Not particularly." Malia replied bending down toward the ground and sniffing.

"Well, you have my number if you change your mind." I reminded her. I knew not to push Malia to talk about her feelings. It would just make her shut down and push everyone away.

"Thanks." She said, lifting her head to look at me. She stood up walked down a little further. I left her to check on Stiles who looked like he was about to burst. I couldn't tell if it was in anger or in tears. I definitely could feel his fear for his father pouring out of him.

"You didn't want Malia here, I'm guessing." I said to him as Scott walked past me to talk to Malia.

"Not really." He muttered.

"Why not? She's your girlfriend. I'm sure she's more than willing to help Noah." I reminded.

"Actually, we kinda broke up." Stiles muttered.

"That's rough buddy." I said patting him sympathetically on the shoulder. 

"It was my fault. I pushed her away. After everything this year." He confessed.

"Yeah I can imagine that being stressful." I said. "You know you could've told me right? I've literally been in your shoes. I would've never judged you."

"You know?" Stiles asked surprised.

"Yeah. I knew something was off. I can still feel emotions Stiles, remember. I've might've learned how to tune them out better, but I can still feel them. We live together. Your room is right next to mine. I can feel your guilt. Plus, you talk in your sleep." I reminded him.

"Oh." Stiles sighed out. I started to walk toward Malia who just walked away from Scott when Stiles called out me name. "Hey Mac?"

"Yeah?" I asked turning back to him.

"You know, if I knew you were in trouble last night, I would've come to help save you." Stiles said. I gave him a halfhearted smile.

"Yeah, I know." I replied. Before either of us could say more, Malia darted off into and underground tunnel. The three of us followed behind her.

"I got it. I got his scent." Malia said and started heading down the tunnel. We followed her until we came across blood on a pipe. She picked some up with her finger and sniffed it.

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