Chapter 1

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For anyone who get's confused :- Everyone in Draco's year is in Ginny's year for this story since they had to repeat 7th year.

Please watch the youtube video on the side. I made it for this fanfiction.


Ginny POV

Mum and Dad were reluctant to let me return to Hogwarts this year. They've been a mess ever since Fred's death. All of us were, but Mum and Dad knew him better and longer. I couldn't even begin to imagine how George was feeling. He lost half of himself that day. A son, a brother, a twin, a friend. He was just gone. Completely erased.

The train drove slow. It was slower than any of the previous years I'd gone to Hogwarts. Maybe the train driver had been upset about it too. The war, I mean. I took slow, deep breaths. I rested my palms on my knees and lowered my head as if I were in pain. I was. I couldn't get Pansy Parkinson's words out of my head. They rung right against my ear drums. It was hard to believe that she'd actually say something horrible about Fred to my face, let alone at all. Sadly, she was returning to Hogwarts this year, as well as Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy. It was only those three out of that entire horrible group of there's. Too bad it was the worst three of the group.

Haley slid back into the compartment with the cups of water I'd asked for. Haley and I had become friends in our fourth year when we were in Dumbledore's Army. I'd actually felt sorry for her most of the time considering her last name is Shagwood. She got teased a lot about it. The two of us would lay awake in my bed beside each other some nights and talk about marriage. Haley wants to marry a boy with a pretty surname as quick as possible.

The compartment door slid open again, only this time Haley and I were granted with some unwanted company.

The boy who teased my hair color for so many years. The boy who teased my surname. The boy who teased my family's lifestyle. The boy whom bragged about how much money his family owned.

Draco Malfoy.

I glared up at him the entire time he walked through, and sat opposite me beside Haley. Haley raised her eyebrows and threw me a funny look. Draco noticed the glares I was sending his way, and he rolled his eyes.

"Problem, Weasley?" he asked rudely.

I scoffed and gave Haley a knowing look. Haley bit her lip annoyingly. I could practically hear her thoughts telling him to go away. I looked back at Draco. "Problem?" I mocked him. Haley snorted. "Of course there's a bloody problem, Malfoy. What the hell are you doing in here? Don't you have your own compartment with your own friends?"

"Calm down, Weasley. Parkinson's been trying to snog me, this is the only free compartment now that there's extra students. So shut your mouth and get over it."

Haley gasped. My eyes widened. Draco scoffed. The tension in this very compartment was growing thicker and thicker with every breath I took. I pointed a threatening finger at Draco and narrowed my eyes as hard as I could.

"How dare you?!" I shrieked. Draco rolled his eyes at my tone and stared out the window. "Just, how dare you? How dare you come in here, uninvited, sit your fat arse where we don't want you to and demand us around like you were in here first! Just get out, get out right now!"

I'd never really yelled at anybody like that before. I don't even know what had come over me. Now that I think about it, I feel like an idiot because it was just a seat. I'd also insulted the size of somebody's behind.

Haley and Draco kept quiet. Haley's eyes were set downcast and her lips were pursed. Draco looked amused; like this was all just some silly little children's game of his. He leaned forward, his elbows propped up onto his knees. "I don't think so, Weasel."

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