Chapter 16

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Draco quickly shut the book, with the parchment in it, and, since he was wearing his formal uniform, shoved it in the inside pocket of his top. We were walking around outside, enjoying the last bit of sun, waiting for Haley to come back from getting her nails done. And when she said nails, she usually meant nails and hair.

"It's a bit weird don't you think?" Draco suddenly said. He didn't look at me as he spoke. I looked at him, letting him know that I was listening. "On Halloween you get this note. Your potion get's stolen. You get another letter today. And then we find some freaky girl's diary with my name written in it."

"It isn't very pretty," I replied.

Draco scoffed in a way that said he agreed. "I know. And you'd think a girls handwriting would look much better than any book she ever owned."

"I wasn't talking about the book, you dunderhead," I rolled my eyes. "I was talking about... well, everything. It's a bit spooky, to be honest."

Something suddenly clicked in Draco's head. I noticed his eyes had lit up. He stopped walking and faced me with a smirk. I threw a hand on my hip. "What?"

"Did I tell you I'm the Slytherin captain this year, now?"

My eyes must have popped out of my head because Draco started to chuckle. We made direct eye contact for a couple of seconds before I finally found the right words to say. "Great," I said. "You're playing Quidditch this year. The more the merrier. What are you playing?"

"Well, since the last sixth year, I forget his name, complained to McGonagall about all the responsibilities he'd signed up for, he quit and as soon as I heard, I went straight to McGonagall. I'm playing chaser."

I blew a strand of hair out of my face. "Sam made me the seeker," I uttered angrily. I dug my shoe into the grass, imagining it being Sam's grave.

"Ah, the seeker," Draco said, looking like he'd been thinking back to the day's he'd been a seeker. "Playing the seeker was a little boring in my opinion. But now that you're playing, I might just have to change my opinion." He winked.

My eyes almost popped out of my head, which had made Draco roar with laughter. Obviously he'd been joking..but.. Did he just flirt with me!?

"Well," I said, stepping dangerously closer. "If you're opinion has to change, play against me. Play seeker."

Draco laughed, almost like it'd be too easy for him to beat me. I gave him a stare that told him he was too scared of being beaten by a girl. And, besides, he knew how good I was at Quidditch for a girl. "Oh, no, Weasley. I wouldn't want to rain on your parade when I beat you every time. Slytherin would be ahead by miles. Would you really want that?"

"Or are you afraid a girl will end up squashing that abnormally large ego of yours?"

Draco laughed in amusement and ended up gaping at me self-confidence. I smirked this time. "Alright then. I'll play seeker."

I grinned. "Great."

Draco was still staring at me with so much amusement. Oh, he thought he could beat me. Things got uneasily quiet again and the two of us were left to stand awkwardly or stare up at each other. "Are you staying for Christmas?" Draco asked quietly. I nodded, for some reason, timidly. "I'm not. I'm going home for a couple of days to visit my mother. She won't want me spending the whole two weeks there. She'll end up sending me back long before school starts."

"That's the same with my parents. Except I'm not actually going home. It's my last year and I want to enjoy it."

Draco smiled. Yes, he actually, genuinely, smiled. He smiled like a god. "That's the exact same thing mother told me."

"Great minds think alike," I winked but ended up laughing.

We ended up staring at each other again. What was up with the staring, I had no idea. But, luckily, Neville and Luna had, for some reason, met up with the two of us and unlocked the unawkwardness.

Thank you Neville and Luna!

"Hello, Ginny," Neville smiled. He looked at Draco and nodded once, saying. "Malfoy."

Draco nodded back. "Longbottom." Draco, for the past few years, normally sniggered when somebody, even himself, had addressed Neville by his surname. It was a major difference to see him saying it without a speck of an expression. Luna smiled and waved at the two of us.

"You two are spending an unusual amount of time together," Luna said absently, smiling dazzedly. I felt the heat pick up in my cheeks, and I was sure Draco had some color in his. I was way too embarrassed to even look.

"No," I laughed. "Draco and I are just waiting for Haley most of the time. The two of them are ... well ..." I looked at Draco, waiting for him to finish the sentence off. I actually had no idea what the two of them were. They didn't exactly act like a couple and they never went on a date, apart from the Halloween party which Draco had actually ended up spending with me. He never bought anything for Haley, but ended up buying me a cardigan. It was all getting quite suspicious... Draco and I were more of a couple than he and Haley were.

"Dating," Draco finished off. I could have sworn I felt an awkward pang burst through my chest.

But I nodded, repeating what he said. "Right, dating."

Next thing the four of us knew, Haley came running down the hill with her arms out like a bird. She had on a hair net and you could tell she had bleached her hair. "Hi, guys!" She shouted as she neared us. Neville shouted a hello back whereas Luna smiled at her. Neville hung his arm around Luna's shoulder and moved her closer to him so he could press his lips to her forehead. I smiled and looked away, giving the couple some privacy. Haley squealed and threw her arms around Draco's neck and pulled him down. She pressed her lips against him, which had, obviously, taken him by surprise. I gaped. I was not expecting some physical impact. Haley hungrily devoured Draco's lips with hers. He didn't even have enough strength to pull away. Neville and Luna shared a look and had agreed to leave. I decided to leave with them.

The last thing I heard between Haley and Draco was Haley slapping Draco on his shoulder and angrily saying, "Draco! Watch out! Manicure..."

Neville slung his arm over my shoulder in a friendly manner. I glanced behind my shoulder and the last thing I seen before disappearing up the hill was a pair of grey eyes staring at me.


Two chapters in one night. Hope you're happy hahaha

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