Chapter 27

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a/n - watch the video on the side please :) I made it two days ago. It's a Drinny vid. In fact, check out my youtube account, I have so many Drinny videos if you love Drinny.

For the next few days, Ginny had been hanging out less with Haley and more with Luna. Haley had this irritating belief that she was dating someone she was not. In Ginny's opinion, Haley had gotten a whole lot worse than Samuel. 

"I have been practising my cheering charm on Neville recently," Luna confessed as she and Ginny decorated the wall behind her bed. Luna had asked for help with sticking things up to keep nargles and wrackspurts away. Typically radishes that Luna put a charm on so it wouldn't rot. 

"Really?" Ginny raised an eyebrow even though Luna wasn't looking at her. "How come?"

"He's been stressed. He doesn't think highly of himself. Wanting to become the next Herbology teacher has been very time consuming what with his studies and such. I always tell him I believe he can do it but it doesn't keep him from being stressed. I suspect nargles have something to do with it," Luna spoke calmly in her usual dreamy voice.

"Don't we all?" Ginny exhaled. 

Decorating Luna's part of the dormitory had sparked up an idea for Ginny, and she no longer cared what others thought. She sat on her bed and summoned the picture taken of her and Draco's first kiss. For a moment she looked at the positive side. There were negatives, obviously, such as people unintentionally finding out because of a snoop, and what their parents would think of them, but there was a positive as well. Ginny was glad this moment was photographed. Because, now she can look back at it rather than having to imagine it. She stuck it on the wall above her night stand.

Next day, Ginny went to her usual classes, and when she spotted Draco in a corridor with Blaise, she decided that it was now or never. Ginny hadn't really liked Blaise much when she was younger. He always put Harry down and he usually done it in front of her to tick her off. But he seemed much different now. Well, she hoped at least...since the last time she spoke to him he was intoxicated. 

The two Slytherins were standing on the stone seat in the corridor, their backs leaning against the wall as they laughed with each other. Blaise spotted Ginny pushing her way through the crowd first, and he called out to her.

"Hey! Red!" He yelled, and Draco looked over at her and beamed instantly. Ginny reached them and Blaise said, "you don't mind if I call you Red, do you? You know, cause the red hair and everything. Oh, and I've come up with a name for both you and Draco put together."

Ginny was shocked that Blaise had addressed her so casually and spoke with her as if they were friends for years. She wasn't complaining, she was actually liking getting along with these Slytherins. It must have been all the 'Deatheater' nonsense holding the real them back. But Ginny suspected Blaise was never a deatheater nor was his mother. She did have a theory his mother murdered for wealth though, and that Blaise was so blinded by his mothers love that he had no idea about it. She honestly felt bad for him. 

"Let's hear it, then," Ginny said. 

Draco pursed his lips and interrupted. "You don't really want to. It's weird."

"It's not weird, Draco, it's skill. Red, it's yours and Draco's name put together. Drinny."

Ginny, even though she thought it was cute, burst out laughing. Not only was Blaise putting her and Draco's name together funny, but Draco's sheepish look was funny, also. 

"OK," she laughed. "Anyway, I was wondering if I could borrow Draco for a moment. You don't mind, do you?"

Blaise shot his eyebrows up immediately, and looked between Ginny and Draco accusingly. 

"Oh, do I mind?" he winked. "No, of course not. Keep it safe, children."

Draco and Ginny walked into the empty courtyard which was close by, and Ginny felt herself fall sheepish under Draco's intense stare, even after being the dominant one in two of her relationships, Dean being the second one. 

"So, what is it?" he asked her. 

"It's Haley," Ginny said automatically. 

Draco frowned. "Haley?"

"Yeah. She thinks the two of you are a thing and she's very obsessive about it. I think maybe you need to clear things up because she doesn't understand."

"But I already have! I've told her. Twice."

Ginny was confused by now. "You have? Well then why does she still think - oof!"

Ginny didn't remember anything that happened afterwards, only that Draco was yelling before everything fell quiet. Even in the darkness she could feel the back of her head pounding with agonising pain, and her body being lifted as if it was lifeless. She heard voices. Two of them. She couldn't understand them because they were hissing and arguing with each other. 

Was this perhaps her stalker?

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