Chapter 25

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Draco gave his owl one last pat before he allowed it to soar off out of the room of requirement. He usually went there whenever he wanted to think or just wanted some silence and freedom. It was a good thing everybody avoided the room of requirement, otherwise he'd have to find some other place.

Draco stared at the cabinet. The very cabinet that he'd been mending throughout his sixth year, so before the war. He'd been coming into the room of requirement just to stare at the damned thing. For some unknown reason, the cabinet haunted him. He could hear himself whispering the chants that mended the cabinet but his lips weren't moving.

Aiming his wand up at the cabinet, he whispered the real thing.

"Lecarnum inflamary."

Draco lowered his wand slowly down by his side and watched the cabinet catch fire. He was cautious this time. Draco had already lost a friend who'd accidentally set the entire place on fire. Gregory Goyle. (A/N~ I'm clearly going by the movie guys, not necessarily the books. I've only read them once and don't want to make any mistakes. I'm also aware of Ginny having brown eyes in the books, I mentioned a few chapters back that she had blue eyes here. Just roll with it please :] )

It was weird for Draco without having Goyle latched at his side. Draco never realised he had had respect for the bloke until he was burned to ashes. Draco never got the chance to thank him for being so loyal. Because, apart from being in love with the dark side, Goyle really was loyal to Draco. He agreed with him every time, he guarded Draco against his enemies, and he did whatever Draco had asked him to.

Draco sighed softly and turned around to the sound of the quiet footsteps. She stared back at him in confusion after she had been watching the cabinet burning and cackling. She sighed and pointed her wand at the cabinet.

"Don't," Draco said, and watched as she lowered her wand slowly and suspiciously.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Ginny asked. Her voice sounded impatient and irritated. Draco hated this tone coming from her, though he couldn't quite blame her for being annoyed with him. He was confusing her and he knew it.

"To talk."

"Right. Well I wanted to talk to you the other day but you ignored me. Why should I do the opposite?"

"Look," Draco sighed and rubbed one side of his face. "I understand that you're confused and pissed at me and you probably want to punch me in the face. But I have a possible suspect."

Ginny frowned. "A - a what? Who?"

"Astoria Greengrass. She's jealous of you and she's kind of obsessed with me."

It looked like the situation had suddenly hit Ginny as her face had brightened up due to her understanding what Draco was talking about. "So you think that she's the one who's been out and about. That she took the picture, forged the note and threw the diary at Myrtle and-"

"Yes, Ginny, but unfortunately we don't have all day to name the things she's done. But it makes sense doesn't it? She's in love - well she thinks she's in love with me."

Ginny folded her arms and raised an eyebrow. "Explain to me how exactly that makes sense..."

Draco sighed. He wanted to explain everything loud and fast but knew that if he did she'd never be able to keep up.

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