Chapter 18

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He was confused, that's all. But why? Why wasn't Draco disgusted, repulsed? He had kissed a Weasley for Merlins sake! For a second, he thought about his family. What would they think about it if it got out? His Father he didn't give a damn about...

His father..

All his life, Draco had looked up to his father; wanting to be just like him. Now he couldn't find a reason why he wanted to be like his father. His father was vile and cruel and didn't care about anything but his family's reputation. 'Malfoy's don't do this... Malfoy's do this...'

His head was screaming one thing but his heart another. He didn't know what he wanted, and he wasn't acting like this when Haley Shagwood had kissed him that one time. This was different. Draco had been with and kissed many other girls before, but this one he shared with the Weasley girl was different. What would her brothers think? What if they found out, stormed to Hogwarts, and hexed him to death?

He was overreacting, his thoughts taking full control of himself. It was one little kiss, and Draco knew Ginny Weasley wouldn't want anybody else knowing that she had kissed a Malfoy, and let a Malfoy kiss her, just as much as he didn't want people knowing he kissed a Weasley, and let a Weasley kiss him.

Just forget it, Draco angrily and mentally scolded himself.

He threw himself under his sheet covers and lay there, thinking about the redhead. There was no denying something was pulling him towards her, not letting him think about anything else but her big, blue eyes, her pale skin --very much like his own, and her content personality. He had never thought this much about anybody before. Hell, he didn't even think about Haley. What would he tell her?


It's not like they were an official couple. They had gone out on two dates and that was it.

So if he couldn't figure this thing out, he'd have to push Haley away, and keep Ginny for himself. Tell her how he feels. Tell her how he cares so much about her but can't help himself.

He wondered if she felt the same. If he was creeping up into her thoughts just as she was creeping up into his.

"Damn it, Weaslette," he muttered, before forcing his eyes shut, and inhaling deeply.


Ginny's insides twisted that night as she thought about the intense moment in the dressing rooms after Qudditch. She had just finished showering and was getting ready for bed, but was fumbling and tripping over her own two feet. All she could see was stormy, grey eyes in every corner and feel a soft pair of lips on her own. No matter how hard Ginny tried convincing herself that it was the heat of the moment, she still couldn't stop thinking about it. About him.

And it was wrong. Absolutely, terribly wrong. He was a Malfoy and she was a Weasley.

Laying in her bed, not able to sleep, Ginny stared out the window, her head propped over her arms like a pillow. She counted the stars in the sky, hoping it would tire her, but the only thing the stars did was remind her of Draco's eyes. She quickly looked away from the window, cheeks flushing. Perhaps he was awake, thinking about her, too. Ginny seriously considered owling him, but fought against it.

And then Ginny knew Draco was also up, thinking about her, too. After all, he was the one that pulled the move. He just had to be. Ginny's insides began to tangle themselves into a knot, and her heart thudded with ... well... she didn't know. There wasn't exactly a word for it.

She forced her eyes shut, but pried them open when she still couldn't stop thinking about him. What was Malfoy doing to her?

"Damn you, little ferret," Ginny spoke into the darkness.

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